Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1069 Spoilers Discussion

Who will fight Kizaru ?

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Oda already said eating a fruit would tell the user what the name is.
This whole Nika thing he pulled out his ass got him changing something he wrote 500+ chapters ago. And then say Kishimoto was all over the place
Or, what was meant by that is that when you eat a Devil Fruit, you learn what ability it has, and you call it according to the ability. Not that you literally just know the name of it by eating it.

In the case of Kaku and Kalifa, their devil fruits were unknown, and not in the Devil Fruit book.... So how did they have names before Kaku and Kalifa ate them? Who named those Devil Fruits when they exist in no form of text anywhere? Or do Devil Fruits just name themselves? Lol

If you eat a fruit that makes you stretch and act like rubber, then clearly you would assume you ate the Rubber fruit. If you ate a fruit that turned you into a Giraffe, then clearly you would assume you ate the Giraffe Devil Fruit....

All Spandam said was you learn the name of the Fruit, when you gain its power. Not that you learn its name just by eating it.


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
He couldn't use it like at this point in time clown. You're the fraudest of frauds. Damn I hate zorotards. Zoro might be my top 2 but I hate yall with a passion.
First calm down:milaugh:. Segond luffy could use normal coc on his fists it can see in his fights agaisnt doffy and kata)
Why would Kaido wind attack do anything vs King you need ACoC to get past his defence .
My whole point with king is he has higher base defence but that don't mean he more durable .
Cause if we using Kaido that uses ACoC with all his physical attack do you think King can take as much hits as luffy .
Well Luffy was able to take those hits not due to his durability but due to his defense to warp around Kaidos club hits

Luffys base durability is extremely low compared to King so it would take a lot more to harm King than it would to harm Luffy.

I am not even sure if Kaido can hurt King while he has fire on. Zoros damage output is significantly greater than Kaidos and even he defeated King with flames off.
its more like 75% haki 25% gear 5. The main reason for gear 5 is important is because of what it represents, not because it is the ultimate power.
Yeah thats fair.
I was just arguing that luffys awakening is not all that impressive from combat perspective.

But it doesn't even need to be..its more symbolic than combatative.
Does it change the fact that Luffy hits like a little girl without using maximum of his Haki output

All I am saying is that against Kaido it was 95% Haki 5% Awakening.
No way in hell would luffy be able to match and beat Kaido last attack without gear 5. ( any other attack before gear 5 to small )
Even using haki it was the the physical size of the attack when it hit Kaido that knock him to the core of the island .
Yeah thats fair.
I was just arguing that luffys awakening is not all that impressive from combat perspective.

But it doesn't even need to be..its more symbolic than combatative.
It's pretty impressive tho. The fact that you are limited only by what you can think of makes it super versatile and unpredictable. Lucci will have a hard time just landing a blow on him.
Nah this is just how luffy fights in gear 5th I mean he literally use kaido as a jump rope for christ sake.
exactly, Luffy is not going easy, that's how his G5 is, always smiling even when getting beaten
Luffy was clearly showing signs of struggling against Lucci, like closing an eye which shows him trying hard
Luffy was also thrown back when their fists collided
Lucci came back up easy and killed Sentomaru without Luffy even being able to react or predict :kriwhat:

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I don't know about you guys, but I want to see a full-fledged MADS flashback:pepemwai:
Caesar, standing on a stool to reach Vegapunk's secret science closet. Accidentally knocks over a vial full of explosive liquid, BOOM!

Vegapunk comes in, and Caesar shouts, "Uh, it as Judge! IT WAS ALL JUDGE'S FAULT!"

Queen is in the background dancing.
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