Who is stronger?

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Boa fruit works based on impure feelings which could be anything and not just sexual interest per se.

Nah blackbeard fearing boas power meanwhile a vice admiral negs it
Is bb that weak ? @MarineHQ @Elder Lee Hung @Erkan12
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Who is taking care of S-Hawk tho?
Do we want Brook or Franky to stall the Mihawk clone ?
S hawk s bear lucci kaku can fight them
Zoro and luffy vs saturn kiz


Kitetsu Wanker
What a load of crap. He faced a blade user with his bare hands and pulled out his own blade to equal the fight since a non-blade user is always on a disadvantage when faced with a blade user. Kizaru isn't a swordsman. The Blade is as much of a crucial ability as Yasakani no Magatama or Yata no Kagami.

Still doesn't disprove the fact that Admirals are trained to be diverse and calling Kizaru a jack of all trades is retarded since he equalled a Top Tier swordsman in his own game. Learn the difference. Don't be mad because some other fighters lack the skills to adapt to various styles of fighting.
So by using a sword, Kizaru made himself superior because without sword he stands no chance? Good that you admit that.
So if he is stronger by using a sword why wouldnt he use a sword vs Akainu and force Akainu into a swordsman's game?
Would he deliberately not use a sword vs Akainu to make it easier for Akainu?

No, I didnt call Kizaru a jack of all trades, I called him master of one - swordsmanship. He just added other abilities to his repertoire like Fujitora did. Neither Kizaru nor Fujitora stopped being swordsmen just because they suddenly had access to other abilities through DFs.
"Lacking the skill to adapt to various styles of fighting" - the skill of eating a DF? :milaugh: The sword is as versatile as anything else.

He isn't. King isn't a swordsman despite carrying one. Fuji uses his at all times and at every occasion while Kizaru uses it when the situation calls for it.
Zoro isnt using a sword when dealing with fodder either. Rayleigh didnt use a sword when he kicked Kizaru either. He did use a sword when he removed the collars either. It doesnt stop them from being a swordsman. Every guy with supreme grade meito is a swordsman, WB aside due to obvious reason, and how much you want to bet that Sword of Gathering clouds of the heaven is one of the 12 Saijos?

Lol. Right back at u. Everything in the canon manga screams Akainu > Kizaru yet you're here desperately trying to fight an established hierarchy. It's a pattern at this point.
- Kaku > Lucci
- King > Kaido
- Shiryu > Blackbeard

So on and so forth. With every arc another delusion just joins the list. Kizaru feeds of the portrayal and feats Akainu received during MF. When asked about the Admirals nobody speaks about Kizaru but only Akainu.
Not at all, Roger the Pirate King wasnt superor than pirate Whitebeard or pirate Kaido. Same thing with Akainu's job promotion.
When facing Zoro, Kaku is indeed superior than Lucci, King is tougher than Kaido and Shiryu is harder fight than Blackbeard.
Luffy's opponents are far easier fights for Zoro than his own opponents. There is no special PU required to take out Luffy's opponents while Zoro's opponents literally have special abilities that nobody else has.

And you can call them delusions but King is tougher than Kaido, Kaku's combat style is far superior to Lucci's and Shiryu is Nothing while Blackbeard isnt. There is no challenge for Zoro in beating Lucci, Blackbeard and Kaido because he beats superior abilities.
Cutting through magma attacks is no effort for Zoro, dealing with a light show that only Kizaru can pull off will indeed be a challenge.

Wrong, Kizaru doesnt feed off of anything from Akainu because he has far better feats in MF vs WB than Akainu. Nobody speaks about King either, he is still tougher than Kaido. That's all you get - narrative talk, Zoro gets superior feats. Akainu would never be able to offer Zoro a challenge that Kizaru will manage to do. Akainu will have his hands full with a Looney Toon joking around.

The Manga. Kizaru is an Admiral just like Akainu and Aokiji were. Admirals are a level based on power, you're hilariously delusional right now. Kizaru doesn't need to be dragged into anything, he was always part of it by being an Admiral in the first place.
There are countless solid arguments, you just fail to disprove any of em.
Where exactly? Akainu is an Admiral just like Aokiji and yet he wasnt Aokiji's equal, ultimately.
Right, and Jinbe is equal to Mihawk by being a Warlord in the first place, just like BM is equal to Kaido by being a Yonko in the first place or like Killer is equal to Zoro by being a Worst Generation in the first place... Having the same rank or even an inferior rank doesnt mean anything, that is a manga fact and all you get to claim is Akainu>Aokiji, nothing else. All other things are wishful thinking.

What a shit take. Comparing a one arc grouping of individuals to an established system in the WG existing for decades, you're really desperate rn huh?
See above if you want established systems for decades. I am not the one desperate to prove Akainu's supposed superiority.

It does when Akainu acquired that Job promotion by beating someone as strong as Kizaru. That both have additional bosses mean nothing because Kizaru in power and rank is an inferior to Akainu.

As for WB and Roger. Again. WB isn't his subordinate so you have no argument here.
Nope, Akainu obtained a job promotion because he has beaten someone inferior to himself. That is all. There is no Kizaru in that equation as much as you want to force him in there. I have already proven that inferior rank means nothing. Inferior power is your headcanon.
But there is literally an argument there because PK is conqueror above conquerors, except he isnt. :milaugh:

Yes you can't just hand out portrayal without Oda spelling it out. So Usopp is the strongest creature just because Oda didn't spell it out yet? That's your level of reasoning rn.
You said it yourself. Oda spelled it out for Akainu, not Kizaru thus making Akainu superior.
That's the problem with this fandom, everything that isnt spelled out simply cannot be digested, lol.
Oda didnt spell it out that Zoro's Demon God is manifestation of Power itself so yall reject it.
Oda didnt spell it out that Zoro used Haki in Alabasta so yall reject it. And so on. Some of us dont need it spelled out.

Great that your confidence is back. Remember how confident you were about ZKK? Making paragraphs about how it is absolutely without fail happening in the canon story ?
Maybe...just maybe Zoro isn't as important as you thought he was. He's by portrayal ruled below even Kid and Law.
My confidence never went anywhere because being confident in Zoro's strength has never been tied to ZKK.
And I would make all the same arguments for ZKK all over again, I can't pretend the build-up wasnt there as many did.
He may not be as important narrative-wise but his strength is second to none. I do hope you realize that sooner or later.
Should have been obvious since rooftop. Law and Kidd are drooling over Zoro's feats, the best cheerleaders so far.

I could see Zoro EOS being equal to Kaidou or very slightly above.
Especially if he's equal to Luffy by then but we'll see.
Didnt Zoro already chop up a guy tougher than Kaido?
How can he end up equal to Luffy at EOS when he has been stronger than Luffy at every point in manga?
Is the representative of Power suddenly going to be matched by the representative of Fame?

Why was he carrying his sword here tho?
Is Akainu also secretly a swordsman but yet wasn't pushed to using it so we can expect the Magma blade in the near future ?
Is that even canon manga material or should I straight up not bother with it? :milaugh:


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
So by using a sword, Kizaru made himself superior because without sword he stands no chance? Good that you admit that.
So if he is stronger by using a sword why wouldnt he use a sword vs Akainu and force Akainu into a swordsman's game?
Would he deliberately not use a sword vs Akainu to make it easier for Akainu?

No, I didnt call Kizaru a jack of all trades, I called him master of one - swordsmanship. He just added other abilities to his repertoire like Fujitora did. Neither Kizaru nor Fujitora stopped being swordsmen just because they suddenly had access to other abilities through DFs.
"Lacking the skill to adapt to various styles of fighting" - the skill of eating a DF? :milaugh: The sword is as versatile as anything else.

Zoro isnt using a sword when dealing with fodder either. Rayleigh didnt use a sword when he kicked Kizaru either. He did use a sword when he removed the collars either. It doesnt stop them from being a swordsman. Every guy with supreme grade meito is a swordsman, WB aside due to obvious reason, and how much you want to bet that Sword of Gathering clouds of the heaven is one of the 12 Saijos?

Not at all, Roger the Pirate King wasnt superor than pirate Whitebeard or pirate Kaido. Same thing with Akainu's job promotion.
When facing Zoro, Kaku is indeed superior than Lucci, King is tougher than Kaido and Shiryu is harder fight than Blackbeard.
Luffy's opponents are far easier fights for Zoro than his own opponents. There is no special PU required to take out Luffy's opponents while Zoro's opponents literally have special abilities that nobody else has.

And you can call them delusions but King is tougher than Kaido, Kaku's combat style is far superior to Lucci's and Shiryu is Nothing while Blackbeard isnt. There is no challenge for Zoro in beating Lucci, Blackbeard and Kaido because he beats superior abilities.
Cutting through magma attacks is no effort for Zoro, dealing with a light show that only Kizaru can pull off will indeed be a challenge.

Wrong, Kizaru doesnt feed off of anything from Akainu because he has far better feats in MF vs WB than Akainu. Nobody speaks about King either, he is still tougher than Kaido. That's all you get - narrative talk, Zoro gets superior feats. Akainu would never be able to offer Zoro a challenge that Kizaru will manage to do. Akainu will have his hands full with a Looney Toon joking around.

Where exactly? Akainu is an Admiral just like Aokiji and yet he wasnt Aokiji's equal, ultimately.
Right, and Jinbe is equal to Mihawk by being a Warlord in the first place, just like BM is equal to Kaido by being a Yonko in the first place or like Killer is equal to Zoro by being a Worst Generation in the first place... Having the same rank or even an inferior rank doesnt mean anything, that is a manga fact and all you get to claim is Akainu>Aokiji, nothing else. All other things are wishful thinking.

See above if you want established systems for decades. I am not the one desperate to prove Akainu's supposed superiority.

Nope, Akainu obtained a job promotion because he has beaten someone inferior to himself. That is all. There is no Kizaru in that equation as much as you want to force him in there. I have already proven that inferior rank means nothing. Inferior power is your headcanon.
But there is literally an argument there because PK is conqueror above conquerors, except he isnt. :milaugh:

That's the problem with this fandom, everything that isnt spelled out simply cannot be digested, lol.
Oda didnt spell it out that Zoro's Demon God is manifestation of Power itself so yall reject it.
Oda didnt spell it out that Zoro used Haki in Alabasta so yall reject it. And so on. Some of us dont need it spelled out.

My confidence never went anywhere because being confident in Zoro's strength has never been tied to ZKK.
And I would make all the same arguments for ZKK all over again, I can't pretend the build-up wasnt there as many did.
He may not be as important narrative-wise but his strength is second to none. I do hope you realize that sooner or later.
Should have been obvious since rooftop. Law and Kidd are drooling over Zoro's feats, the best cheerleaders so far.

Didnt Zoro already chop up a guy tougher than Kaido?
How can he end up equal to Luffy at EOS when he has been stronger than Luffy at every point in manga?
Is the representative of Power suddenly going to be matched by the representative of Fame?

Is that even canon manga material or should I straight up not bother with it? :milaugh:
Nik kun Summary please lol
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