Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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Because their durability is superior to his.
Who told you this?

no character has ever said this… If you are using King’s durability then you’re wrong because King is a fully grown Lunarian and Edison directly says that the Seraphims being kids affects their durability

there is no statement in the manga that Lunarians come out of their mother’s wombs with the same durability as their adult versions

Gorosei Informer

dw kiddstans oda is definitely not gonna wank the RHP's strength when he reveals it for the first time:saden:
And they're still gonna fall sooner or later, just like the other Yonkos. Regardless if its to Kidd, Blackbeard, Luffy and the SHs or whoever.

For all the Kidd trashing, at least he's not some lapdog of the WG and a snitch.

"Oh Gorosei samas, please hear me out, I need to snitch on a pirate (who is probably Luffy too at this poin especially) and thus I really am a two faced asshole too."

Pardon my exaggeration in that message.

I'm not saying that Kidd can't be a challenge to Shanks.

I'm saying that Kidd DEFINITELY can't neg diff Shanks like some people are claiming.

Imo Shanks > Kidd.

Unless Kid unlocks his advanced conqueror's haki, he is not a challenge to Shanks.
Thats fair enough lol, thanks for the clarification. Even I would say Kidd neg diffing Shanks would be fucking dumb and trash writing regardless.

I still believe its gonna be a high diff regardless. It should be and needs to be imo. No way in hell is Shanks being a pushover to anyone, including Kidd ofc.

I was trolling about him above as I need to spite/fight back against some Kidd downplayers in general but I don't want to see him get disrepected after decades of waiting for him to take the spotlight and actually fight, kick ass and take action. I've seen other top tiers in other series, even arguably "Shanks level" type characters get clowned upon after YEARS of waiting and I know from Oda that he won't clown Shanks despite what the other authors did.

Kidd and Killer not showing haki was fucking dumb too, I never understood that. Only excuse I have is that Oda is saving it for the on-screen Shanks encounter and since we know he didn't face Shanks before now too, Shanks is gonna do some god tier Gildarts style haxi flexing like Gildarts did to Natsu too.

I wouldn't be satisfied if Kidd vs Shanks wasn't a difficult fight, fairly matched but with Shanks being the superior one still ofc. Shanks > Kidd right now definitely, not in future but at the current time definitely. Thats how it should be regardless.


Heavy Metal
Who would win?
A character oda's been hyping since the beginning of the story and has some major flexes,
A character Oda created while taking a dump before delivering the chapter?
Decisions, decisions...
Let me phrase it differently:

Who would win?

A) A character which is permanently hyping the new generation, belonging to the old generation, promised his captain to bring up the next generation to the whole glory, that they fullfil the dream they werent able too.


B) A character which is representing the new generation as one of the 4 main pirate leads (Luffy, Law, BB, Kid), which gets alot of focus since timeskip, even has the same bounty as the MC... keeping in mind that the whole point of the story is the change of history with the new, worst, generation.

Decisions, decisions...
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