Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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The wildest thing I seen here is mfers thinking the Red Haired Pirates on their Combat debut will flop against the Kid Pirates after being hidden for 20 years AND wanked as the strongest Yonko crew
Speedreaders, Mihawkstans, Kidstans and Zorostans will jump into anything but logic.

Shanks has been a yonko in Kaido's and Big Mom's era and they think that a kid who barely defeated a yonko with his friend can defeat him.

No respect to this part of the fandom.


Talent is something you make bloom.
The wildest thing I seen here is mfers thinking the Red Haired Pirates on their Combat debut will flop against the Kid Pirates after being hidden for 20 years AND wanked as the strongest Yonko crew
Who would win?
A character oda's been hyping since the beginning of the story and has some major flexes,
A character Oda created while taking a dump before delivering the chapter?
Decisions, decisions...
Speedreaders, Mihawkstans, Kidstans and Zorostans will jump into anything but logic.

Shanks has been a yonko in Kaido's and Big Mom's era and they think that a kid who barely defeated a yonko with his friend can defeat him.

No respect to this part of the fandom.
I have to stan Mihawk/Zoro for agenda. I can’t have Shanks lose to Midd. That’s ammunition for the downplayers to shit on Shanks in turn shits on Mihawk

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