Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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1 fodder ship = nothing.

100 fodder ships = same.

If they are regular ships they will get Ace treatment or Oda will use it for cheap tension for Straw Hats to use Coup de Grace.
I think they are gonna have a crapton of VA among them, some strong ones (perhaps some zodiac VA which I am suspecting are the strongest VA). Wont count Saturn yet until I see if he can fight or not.
"Kizaru goes solo 2 yonkou"...
Kizaru to a minor force:
1 gorosei.
all seraphim.
a traitor.
100 warships with each of them being able to carry 1000 soldiers i.e. 100000 soldiers.
I wonder, who else will show up to help Kizaru?
Kaido went to MF with just King, that's insane, how confident was he that he could deal with all of them with just one good man?
Yeah he was talking about the fodder crew who went downstairs

See he even mentioned Vega Punk.
He's talking about "weak" crew members and Vega punk who are there for chores

Obviously Zoro is not included since Zoro is right there

And also Sanji himself doesn't think Lucci + Kaku + Stussy can beat Zoro alone.
He is included because Luffy specifically said “Just because you can’t beat me don’t go after my crew” and who’s his subordinate again? Zoro. Zoro just didn’t say anything because he acknowledged his place under Lucci

Sanji also said Zoro would die….he did not say he would win a 3 v 1. Zoro couldn’t even win a 1 v 2 vs nerfed killer……..
Dude, the disrespect.
On the contrary, I highly respect Vergo. He was strong, competent and cunning. Cracked Sanjis leg, beat Smoker mid diff, had Law by the balls until Law pulled out an island level attack. Monet and Ceasar that gave Luffy problems were in no doubt of who was boss of the island. I'd put Vergo at solid flying 6 level.

Formerly Seth

Of course there going get use for cheap tension and the SH will find some way escape .
It's still the biggest fight force the marines have done in one place since the war and Oda loves to use fodder in the plot for many reasons.
Would be a good reason to have the GF show up.
It's kinda hypocritical or to say it properly lack of continuity.

Not too long ago Akainu admitted they have nothing to spare on Straw Hats cause the units are spread across the world looking for Warlords or whatever but right now they randomly called up 100 ship fleet on Egghead?


Unless the fleet itself is like that fleet Emperor had in Star Wars 9. You know them Gorosei having their own secret fleet:milaugh:


When were you under the impression this game is..
I'm saying if Shanks wanted to be the King
why on earth he stopped Kaido form dying?

Shanks wants something else ... he don't want the crown for himself
Because he didnt want Kaido to go and possibly attack the whitebeards, he does like them and they have a long history together.
Foreshadowed by that volume cover
Perfect setup for zoro vs mihawk:crazwhat:
Yeah I think that would be a great setting for that fight actually. All out brawl between four emperor crews, winner deserves to be hailed the PK crew. Probably ending with a Luffy vs BB. BB killing Shanks and getting stronger in fight.

There probably wont be no strict 1v1, it would be a battle royale/war for a reason.
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