Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1077 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the traitor?

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Lafitte is around the same age as Blackbeard. He could be the first man Teach recruited. He has wings, but not like skyislanders. Somewhere SBS or Vivrecard it was said that the wings are not neccessarily from a Devilfruit. Blackbeard had the Book of Devilfruits, like Sanji. So many speculated a MADS connection. Just like Blackbard had his DNA manipulated by Vegapunk, Lafitte had his modified too. He is a former experiment of Vegapunk too. He was a sheriff in the past. No he has arrested peopel in Egghead.
Now that Edison is ruled out, it looks like there is only three choices now.

Also Lilith being turned into stone, 100% rules out a fake out with York being a traitor. I know some thought that York being turned into stone could have been a fake out, but the fact that Lilith got turned into stone as well pretty much rules out York now.

The mysterious culprit is either Atlas, a 7th satellite, or another 3rd party.

Whoever it is can order the Seraphims, and the only ones that can do that are The Five Elders, The Vegapunks, or someone with a authority chip.

The fact that none of the Vegapunks could order the Seraphims, at least rules out someone with a authority chip.

So I guess it's either Atlas or a 7th satellite unless for some reason it really ends up being Devon or Laffitte.
Caesars hallucinogenic gas
Flame on king before koh
  1. Dodged 360 pound cannon like he did koh onigiri
  2. Blocked zoros attacks with his body specifically wings like he did with his leg after koh
  3. Tried disarming zoro to stop his attacks before and after koh
In any of your examples can u show me proof that king was scared and running away???

1. He is flying in the air attacking at the same time as zoro launching his attack seems to me zoro missed the attack as he says I gotta find a way to land a hit. If u can look at this panel( king not scared) and say it’s the same as koh oni giri( king scared af) and say they are the same please re read the fight. Fear is the factor here lol

2. don’t even get what u mean here are u are black rope dragon twister is equivalent to the koh sword attacks king was blocking and dodging out of fear? It doesn’t matter if he blocked black rope dragon twigs yet he was never scared and he took shi shi son son to the face which by zoros own words were a better attack.fear is the factor here

3. the first disarm was to get in a surprise attack which worked but was blocked by zoros mouth sword… the second disarm was… u guessed right because he feared zoro he legit just said he saw the threat zoro represents and u wanna sit here and say there was no difference in these two interactions.

Tldr u better hope in the next few chapters Oda doesn’t reveal that adv coc is the answer to hurting flame on mode I guarantee u gonna leave the site 😂😂😂
This may be the nicest thing I’ve ever seen you say about the Admirals. Lmfao
I don't hate the Admirals.
Maybe I think the Yonko are above them and maybe you disagree, but for what it's worth, I think they're some of the strongest in the verse if you excluse said Yonko and their equals.
Akainu and Kizaru are genuinely menacing villains. They do their jobs well.
Be honest, over 5/10 days of fighting do you think Doflamingo is that dumb that he would not figure out Flame On/Flame Off?
We're talking about the guy who figured out G4 workings in seconds.
It is not about being smart or dumb. It is about being strong enough to hang with King in an actual fight.

Even without flames, he had enough power to send Zoro out of the skull dome in one attack. What is Doffy going to do against that?
Marco who had regen was still beaten to a pulp. Dude was still bandaged even after a week.
King was casually changing onigashima landscape with his attacks. Destroying multiple onigashima mountains with just strength of his swing.

King without his flames on would still beat Doffy
this also confirm like Kaido-king, Lucci-kaku shiryu will have 1 or 2 ability where he is either equal or above blackbeard.

maybe 2 devil fruit awakened on top.

Shiryu will be very strong.
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