Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1077 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the traitor?

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I think at the end of the day no matter where you place king
We can agree than the lunarian gimmick is the easiest to bypass. At least in comparison to Marco's and katakuri's

  1. Knowing how to fight a lunarian in general is massive help when fighting them
  2. Knowing Marco can just heal from and ignore all your attacks isn't gonna help that much in general. For anyone even top tiers hes gonna still be annoying
  3. Knowing that katakuri can see the future to best attack and avoid in general isn't gonna help much. Unless you're already strong and fast enough. Tho even future sight snakeman was having a hard time landing hits
Marco is literally the easiest to bypass. Just keep damaging him multiple times and he goes to sleep.
Sanji's eyebrow has changed side again, which means there are two Sanji's inside his body :))). what a plot.
Meanwhile , zolo takes a deep breath after clash with S-Mihawk, what a loser.


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So the traitor seems like he wants to eliminate Vegapunk ( or at least the clones ), using the stella as a bait..

But what's curious is that he even captured CP0 agents and apparently lurking here for a long time, if it was someone from the gov why capture his own agents ? Especially since some of those agents were sent here to kill Vegapunk ( Luccy & Co ) he sent the seraphims against them.

My theory is that it's someone who wants to capture Vegapunk but since he's connected with his clones this person wants to get rid of them so they can't track each other ( capturing all 6 of them might be troublesome and he only need the main body anyway ) once all the clones are down he can run away with the stella ( ofc if Saturn is gonna buster call the sh** out of the island the brain is gonna be destroyed and all the knowledge lost )
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