Why did York Betray Vegapunk?

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**Finally Sanji shines! Finally he's of some use.**
I hope he hypes jimbe and calls the seraphim cheap copy to make up for his bad behavior towards his nakama.

Oh and please Sanji do us a favor this time and don't job next chapter :finally:

Do y'all get mind wiped every 3 months or something?

If we totalled all the "finally Sanji gets a cool moment" posts we'd learn that Sanji never stopped getting those.
Guys, do you remember back at Punk Hazard when Caesar Clown was beaten up by Luffy-Law alliance and the underworld dudes wanted Caesar dead due to his failure?

Now he is chilling with his old partner and rival Judge Vinsmoke but nothing happens.

:gokulaugh: Peak Piece
York being the traitor is interesting if true, but means she had help. Either additional serephim are in the building. Who destroyed the cameras or disabled the shields or shot Shaka when she was accounted for with everyone else?

Curious what her motive actually is too. Is she allied with anyone? Blackbeard?
She’s working with Saturn (the silhouetted figure)
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