Why did York Betray Vegapunk?

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You do that everytime tho acting like lanji can hurt king with jobber jambe both versions
Meanwhile cant even damage s shark flame off
Also lanji got damaged by getting sent trough walls its just s jinbei is trash and the weakest sera it is what it is
Queen AP> warlord replacements keep coping all seraphim are equal
The incident that's gonna happen is just gonna be Vegapunks death, kinda expected.
Not necessarily, because Kizaru and Saturn are at Egghead now. It could mean either the Straw Hats get “defeated”, the Marines get wiped out or what you said.

Or maybe an untold secret will be shared?! It’ll be something big, no doubt. :usoprice:
Its called showing superiority, if he cant damage him how can this be a serious fight for sanji :queenhear:
Because the seraphim are only serving as a distraction lol. If he can hold Sanji in place or keep him working by constantly threatening to chase Nami with his swim powers, then the mission to leave with Vegapunk is failing
So S-Kuma had no flames and still tanked, G2 attacks
S-Shark also had no flames but was tanking bullets from the CP agents.

This further supports that flame off only reduces the defense of Lunarians, it does not extinguish that defense
They are cyborgs

They aren't as weak as King without flame off lmao
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