Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Funny how people with no cancer take more offense from cancer humor than people actually having.
I had a friend who had cancer and he used to enjoy my jokes and my company too.
Because it reminded me of my Aunt dying abruptly from cancer.
Do you even know what scrawny means you crackhead?

I am more or less in the same shape as the guy in my profile picture..only difference is I actually have 6 pack abs and he doesn't.
:gokulaugh:Okay buddy.
At one point I did dirty bulk lol, went up to 225 pounds at 5'11, trust me I did not look good lol, even my face got fat lmao. I mean I could life A LOT of weight at the time, had a lot of strength and muscle but aesthetically I looked like shit

Then I cut down all the way down to 175 in like 5 months and definitely lose some muscle that I gained but still retained a good amount.

I'd recommend main-gain, or at worst clean bulk

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