Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Thanks to Scotch:

Chapter 1079: "The Red-Haired Yonko Pirates."
The Germa's Journey cover story ends and we're back to fan requests.

-York learns that the World Government has betrayed her, so she orders the Seraphim to kill everyone except the main body of Vegabank.
-Near Egghead Island, we see a ship with the Blackbeard Pirates' flag on it.
-The scene shifts to Elbaf.
-Kidd vs. Shanks.
-Shanks uses "Kamusari" and ends Kidd.
-Dory and Brogy destroy Kid's ship.
-Kid's crew submits and delivers copies of the Poneglyph.
-At the end of the chapter, we have the narrator's box and in short, "The Kidd Pirates Are Exterminated".

Based on the leak earlier and how it ends, Dory and Brogy destroy Kid's ship after they surrender and hand the Poneglyph, rather than before? @ScotchInformer can you confirm?
It's probably true, however I'm guessing Kid looks better than the spoilers suggest. At the very least, I think the move Shanks uses to take him out will be more impressive than Roger's slash, even if they are similar or have the same name.

Also, I'm guessing Kid and Killer will be hyped against Shanks's fleet. The spoilers even state Shanks is mad at him for injuring his subordinate captains.
Yeah thats what im saying.
Maybe the oneshot thing is an exaggeration but the defeat part is true.

Also its possible some portion the fight was already offscreen
Why would it be bad writing?

This ain't like Roger times where the PK will be unable to expose all to the world.
There's no need to lay the ground for the next era ,this is the definitive era.
Emperor like characters are irrelevant for the EoS.

Kid and law fans hopefully understand.
Forget ZKK, Sanji number 4 etc.
This is the biggest L in OP history
It’s straight a middle finger from Oda…
Brother I am at a loss of words really.
ZKK was a joke for the most part and mfs got cooked for supporting it, the number 4 memes were actually funny and did what it was intended to do. THIS? THIS IS MORE THAN A MIDDLE FINGER LOL THIS THE ULTIMATE DISRESPECT HOW CAN KIDD FANS EVEN DEAL W THIS
Oh man is THAT gonna be the new narrative? Guess that fucking AKAINU and WHITEBEARD also didn't require him to go all out? Him using Gryphon, his explicitly named blade, in all combat interactions we have seen of Shanks, is all pure coincidence?

All combat situations? This muthafucka has been in the series for 26 years and has swung that sword twice. Stop acting like there is some vast shanks combat lexicon where your drawing this knowledge from.
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