Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Sure, I get the logic that if a swordsman did something Mihawk can likely do it better since he is the strongest swordsman. I don't disagree. I just don't understand what's hype cool or exciting about it, since he has literally not shown anything ever. He cut some ice and negged early Zoro.
Mihawk sweating so hard against baratie zoro and can’t manage to defeat vista and crocodile.

full power mihawk can’t even manage to beat pre TS Luffy
I don't know how @Kurozumi D. Trussop will survive Caribou's betrayal! he's the most loyal Caribou4nakama fan! :shame:
Worry not, in fact Caribou’s chances went up 200.1567%. This is just another clear example of subversive affirmation at play. I can see why many people were fooled by this. You need to have a really high IQ to truly understand and comprehend Goda’s brilliant hints. :finally:
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