Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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Gotta say, Kidd had it coming. Using a railgun attack that could have hit innocent civilians is just shitty. Then again, this is the same dude that killed people for laughing at him. Man was destined to fail like this.
That dude is a clown, but looking past a couple of insufferable Kid wankers who at can laugh at, I think we all have to agree that this wasn't good writing. At the very least, Kid was the one who did most of the physical combat and tank work against BM, at this stage I don't think anyone should straight up one shot Kid. Unless BM is even a bigger bum than at thought she was.
AdCoC attacks are no joke. Especially a serious one, coming from a character straight hyped for his level of CoC.


👑𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷👑
Still needs to see if Shanks' Kamusari is stronger than Roger's tho. Just because it has the same name doesn't mean it shares the same AP.
Oden still clears Kid and Law anydays of the week tho.
It's possible it's a different attack to some extent (or it could be the same since Shanks could've learned it from Roger when he was an apprentice). But regardless if it's similar in any way it means Midd gets fully cleared by Oden and it's not even close, because Oden got away mostly scot free and Midd basically fucking died on the spot :kobeha:
For the last time to morons like Tejas
When people say New gen they think Shanks, when he is Midd gen.
Let me explain.
Old Gen Roger PrimeBeard Xebec Prime Garp/Sengoku Kong Shiki Prime Rayleigh.
Midd Gen Shanks Mihawk Kaido BM Dragon Akainu Aokiji Kizaru.
New Gen Luffy Blackbeard Zoro Sabo Koby Sanji, i newer put Law & Kidd because i knew this would happen & they would fall.
New Gen not all > Old Gen again not all > Midd Gen.

tf are you on about, Apoo one shot Luffy after he unlocked FS

Kaido used FS once in the fight and then never again

Either way, Sanji has no advanced Haki
With the Kaido fight Oda just show both of them fast enough that FS don't matter that much .
Which good if you have speed or big AOE attacks otherwise it seem you fucked lol .
This arc kinda destroyed that shitty zoro fan agenda of “FS is useless”.

FS is a top tier staple. Luffy has it, Kaido has it, Shanks has it. The only yonko who are confirmed not to have it are Buggy, BM, and Teach. All of which are characters who perpetually get clowned upon.
folks think its useless cause its rarely used proactively
luffy gets hit far too often
kaido only recalled he had it when luffy was in snakeman

katakuri was excellent with it but lacking in other areas
shanks seems to be someone who actively uses it like katauri but also has the power to act accordingly which makes it look far more impressive.
For the last time to morons like Tejas
When people say New gen they think Shanks, when he is Midd gen.
Let me explain.
Old Gen Roger PrimeBeard Xebec Prime Garp/Sengoku Kong Shiki Prime Rayleigh.
Midd Gen Shanks Mihawk Kaido BM Dragon Akainu Aokiji Kizaru.
New Gen Luffy Blackbeard Zoro Sabo Koby Sanji, i newer put Law & Kidd because i knew this would happen & they would fall.
New Gen not all > Old Gen again not all > Midd Gen.
Kid and Law are still leaders of the new gen tho

they’re not the next pirate king, but they’ll probably surpass the admirals
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