Is this the biggest single-chapter demolition of a character & fandom?

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It seems like shanks has future sight instead of yasopp unlike film red
Yasopp likely can either see just farther than shanks and/or his better at checking the state others are in. Base how healthy they are somehow

Kid really got fucked tho lol
From the sound of it kid got hit clean without being able to defend himself and killer had to time to react and try and block

If kid getting ko'd if hit clean fair imo cause i also think a clean thunder bagua and ikoku would do the same tbh

While it very obviously doesn't look good for kid and his crew i doubt they all just died drowning lol.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Another one
It's sad how people wanna read stories where only Main characters grow and look good
Where side characters get their characters totally ruined for the sake of money

You are happy.
Very sad to see how low One Piece fans think
I follow this shit for 15+ years.

One Piece is my favorite piece of fiction.
Get out of your high horse and stop acting like you are entitled to guess what "one piece fans should or shouldn't" like.

I had high hopes for the Supernovas when they were introduced.
These expectations were not met.

They were fun side characters during some arcs and that's it. But they became MANDATORY additions that didn't actually add anything excited to the story, except for Law.
Kid didn't add ANYTHING in Wano. The Wano supernovas were all, >>>>ALL<<<< useless trash that only served to steal panel time and extend that garbage arc even more.

Fuck this.
One Piece has an infinitely better examples of side characters than the supernovas.
Law is literally the only one who became something more.
The rest could just be erased. Even Bege, who was fun during WCI, was a completely modified character than what he was during his introduction. Could've been a totally different character and wouldn't make a difference, but it HAD to be Bege, because he NEEDED a supernova participation.

I expected Kid to AT LEAST push a low/mid diff. Didn't expect this level of humiliation. Does it bother me? HELL NO.
I'm more interested in the BB part of the chapter. Kid being removed is just a bonus.
i mean but does it look like a 2 v1 would have helped against shanks here
sorry but i dont think so tbh
because he could pack either potentially in one attack
Kid's better equipped to fight someone like Linlin whose attacks won't put him down so easily

I was saying this to a few of the Zorobros earlier. The only way it makes sense for people like Shanks to be able to compete with natural physical monsters like Kaido and Big Mom who also have powerful DFs and tremendous haki of their own, is if his attacks hit this hard. Same goes for people like Roger, Rayleigh, and Mihawk
Greenlul got embarrassed by base Yamato and Momo. Scared to come to Wano because of Kaido while Kaido panicked at BM coming. Ran away after Shanks connected him to Wifi Haki.

Talk again when a former Admiral who goes under a Yonko finally gets promoted to Captain status after he left the Marines lmao.
Buggy is a yonko and his job is to clean the shoes of his commanders, the position itself long lost its prestige
But yeah let me know when Meme solos a Yonko Commander, I’m only asking for one

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
I follow this shit for 15+ years.

One Piece is my favorite piece of fiction.
Get out of your high horse and stop acting like you are entitled to guess what "one piece fans should or shouldn't" like.

I had high hopes for the Supernovas when they were introduced.
These expectations were not met.

They were fun side characters during some arcs and that's it. But they became MANDATORY additions that didn't actually anything excited to the story, except for Law.
Kid didn't add ANYTHING in Wano. The Wano supernovas were all, >>>>ALL<<<< useless trash that only served to steal panel time and extend that garbage arc even more.

Fuck this.
One Piece has an infinitely better examples of side characters than the supernovas.
Law is literally the only one who became something more.
The rest could just be erased. Even Bege, who was fun during WCI, was a completely modified character than what he was during his introduction. Could've been a totally different character and wouldn't make a difference, but it HAD to be Bege, because he NEEDED a supernova participation.

I expected Kid to AT LEAST push a low/mid diff. Didn't expect this level of humiliation. Does it bother me? HELL NO.
I'm more interested in the BB part of the chapter. Kid being removed is just a bonus.
That shit aint law, and kid attacked pirates who attacking him first. Read the chapter where he first ran into the ally forces

it ain’t consistent at all with pre ts dory and brogy
Pre ts and dory and brogy were fighting a 100 year dual .
You think those people will let someone get away with attacking there friends on there home land .
Read chapter 1076 he attack them first and even after that Shanks was giving him a way out .
I hoped for Kidd to.change his ways and go through some character development

Didn't happen, now he goes down as the evil version of Luffy, a fitting end for a character that goes against everything that One Piece as a story stands for.
Ehh he'll still be back. I doubt his crew (those that maybe survived the hit) or certain elbaf citizens will let them drown.

We'll just have to wait 200 chapters before we see Elbaf to know lmao
Talking like lucci there.
WOuld have been stupid to jut let the fleet attack his ship with their cannons and wait for shanks in this situation it is way better to get rid of the fleet before facing the yonko in 1v1 .
Shanks simply sneaked him before he could do it .
Congrats shanks to have one shot kid and killer but when we look at how it happened this is not better then when kaido beat oden .
Cute by nonsense. Kidd should have been retracting their metal cannonballs and ships and stripping them not attacking them so that when he pulled up on Shanks he would have more artillery to fight with. The idiot decided to destroy his only power resource
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