Don't worry my guy. No matter the amount of cope will make these panels that directly confirm the Admirals superiority in strength to Garp even 2 years ago just dissappear. Everything Garp is doing just hypes the superior force.
This feat of Garp is crazy good. But inevitably like Rayleigh he's victim to his old age. Loss in stamina and Durability. In MF he could go either way extreme diff with an Admiral, now it's high diff.
Thoughts? @Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @Gol D. Roger @OnePiss @Blackbeard
@Extravlad @Kurozumi Wiwi you have the panel of Akainu in the VC or wherever confirmed as strongest Marine ?

This feat of Garp is crazy good. But inevitably like Rayleigh he's victim to his old age. Loss in stamina and Durability. In MF he could go either way extreme diff with an Admiral, now it's high diff.
Thoughts? @Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @Gol D. Roger @OnePiss @Blackbeard
@Extravlad @Kurozumi Wiwi you have the panel of Akainu in the VC or wherever confirmed as strongest Marine ?