Will Garp die at the end of this arc?

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Sasaki Kojirō

I trust in Kuzan. In the chapter named after him, he isn't getting a "one-sided" beatdown. Others already mentioned how redon left out that piece of info from his other site, so we'll see what he is going to say in his summary.
So in the end, it was just you having faith in a fictional character, is that it? PFFFFFTTTTTTTT

"Hey, I trust Luzan" 😭😭😭
If someone says something untrue, then Redon always corrects them in the spoiler thread. This just sounds like copium from admiral stans.
I dont think its about correcting, its about leaving out key info.

Firstly Redon never posted what Pew stated, probably because it mischaracterizes the encounter. Secondly, the result of the fight or how its left off is unknown. Garp can be on the advantageous end, and still can look dire for him in the end, supporting the chapter title.

We'll have to wait and see, but I doubt Oda names the chapter after him only for him become bootstrapped to Garp hype.
Dafuq you talking about?
I am saying Shanks can't go jibbly wibbly going after a Yonko in his own territory.
And when BB wasn't in Hachinosu, that executive told Shanks they didn't know where he was.
Shanks said he went to Wano because he thought Teach would appear there.
Most likely, Teach is the pirate Shanks mentioned to the Gorosei. Shanks has every intention of trying to stop Teach.

You're a trying to find a weird ass "perfect scenario" that, if Shanks can't go against Teach anytime anywhere, than he can't go at all.

Mind you, that I ain't even trying to "shit on" Teach or anything. Is just that your arguments about Shanks "not wanting to fight Teach" make absolutely no sense at all when the manga has show clear signs that Shanks has intention of trying to stop Teach.
> Two times I said BB wasn't ''Yonko'' for 1 year until the Payback War
> You keep repeating the same nonsense ''Shanks couldn't attack Yonko''

Do I need to repeat again? BB wasn't Yonko for 1 year, Shanks didn't attack Pre-Yonko BB during that time.

If Shanks wanted to fight BB, he would sure find BB in 1 year, could even find him in 1 or 2 months, its easy, he didn't want it. Shanks only fights if BB attacks his friends, knowing that he can lose but sacrifice himself like Rayleigh would. Its that simple.

Sengoku did not attack the WB Pirates because they were already vastly outnumbering them and he was protecting the execution platform.
Pizarro said Teach will get mad if the town or the surroundings are destroyed, he said it TWICE.
Why let Garp destroy as much as he can in a 1V1 with Aokiji?

There are two options here

Either the others are busy with Sword/Marines which is an L for Shiryu because that'd mean he's fighting an underling of Garp

Or they're just not strong enough to step in without getting obliterated by these two titans
Sengoku could attack WB, after WB 2 shotted Red Dog, but BB pirates had to handle WB, it happens. Someone needs to stay behind and control the battle. Thats Shiryu.

Shiryu isn't an idiot, he is waiting to right time to show up. If he fights Garp, and gets wounded, then there is no one there to lead the BB Pirates.

Your logic is dumb. If Vasco Shot and even San Juan attacked Garp, you think officially stronger guy than them wouldn't attack Garp? No one said Shiryu and Pizarro lost, they are obviously the last 2 men standing similar to Sengoku was in Marineford. Aokiji is the new guy, they can't trust him to wait until last LMAO.

You expect every BB pirate lose, then Aokiji show up? They can't trust Aokiji like that.
I trust in Kuzan. In the chapter named after him, he isn't getting a "one-sided" beatdown. Others already mentioned how redon left out that piece of info from his other site, so we'll see what he is going to say in his summary.
fight starts with Garp shaterring Aokiji's ice and punching him
...for Aokiji to be okay at the end of it
I know how spoilers work, if it was that bad every leaker would be talking about it. Heck even redon was spamming gif about how Kid got completely rekt by Shanks
Based on performance, it is justified to put Garp above Rayleigh. Though I still think the gap isn't big, given Garp himself spoke of Ray in high regard, comparing him to Whitebeard, with us having to keep in mind that Ray retired for decades, not having used his sword in a long time. If Ray was active, the gap may had been even closer, with Ray pushing Garp to extreme diff.
Yeah I think Ray not being active anymore contributed to that gap. Garp is more active compared to him, while Rayleigh hasn't fought in a long time before he faced Kizaru.
If someone says something untrue, then Redon always corrects them in the spoiler thread. This just sounds like copium from admiral stans.
No he doesn't.
Especially when it's as irrelevant as something that is open to interpretation.
He did not correct Pew when he said that Luffy had one-tapped Lucci back in 1069.

Anyway you'll see when full summary drop, it's not even that Pew is necessarily LYING, just that he's both exaggerating it and leaving out key information.

Sasaki Kojirō

Prime Garp didn't even make it here. Yet Old Garp is beating an admiral down.

Kaido, Shanks>>admirals
Shanks did something embarrassing with Green Bull.

Can you imagine Kaido shaking and sweating, crying snot through his nose and having his DF deactivated while raising his hands to the sky and calling for help (to stop)?!

While Akainu or another admiral uses their Conqueror's Haki? Not even Big Mom, who is the most abused in the series, would suffer such humiliation.

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