Will Garp die at the end of this arc?

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That's just copium. He was seen in the last chapter when Kuzan wasn't.
The reason why he's not taking part is because they're out of his league.
Your delusion is not healthy. Shiryu is the last guy who would need to fight, someone needs to control other pirates when BB isn't there. Aokiji probably want to finish Garp by himself , doesn't want to let Garp getting killed by others.
You think Shanks will kill Luffy after sacrificing his arm for him?
I think fighting over one piece as pirates is absolutely a fight to the death no matter what, regardless of whatever circumstance Oda puts characters in to survive.

All we know is Shanks wants Luffy for something. If that "something" isnt something Luffy agrees to or Shanks doesnt think he'll fulfill, then it doesnt matter.

There are even reasons to think Shanks lost the arm purposefully to make Luffy feel indebted and become pirate even more. Even in the most recent flashback, hes seen smiling as hes losing the arm now.

Sasaki Kojirō

Wow, how funny because none of the providers said anything about Pew's spoilers?
I remember a guy posted something fake there and one of the providers automatically said it was fake.


Welcome to the House of Hope
It looks like you don't understand the difference between sacrificing himself for others, and having the ability to defeat.

- Rayleigh was willing to fight BB, if he BB decided to fight him and Hancock, he admitted he would lose.

- That doesn't mean Rayleigh would want to fight BB if BB doesn't attack his friends.

Same thing as Shanks, he is willing to fight BB, IF only he needs to sacrifice himself for his friends.

You seriously arguing Shanks wanted to fight BB but he couldn't find him anywhere in 1 year? :broocry:
Dafuq you talking about?
I am saying Shanks can't go jibbly wibbly going after a Yonko in his own territory.
And when BB wasn't in Hachinosu, that executive told Shanks they didn't know where he was.
Shanks said he went to Wano because he thought Teach would appear there.
Most likely, Teach is the pirate Shanks mentioned to the Gorosei. Shanks has every intention of trying to stop Teach.

You're a trying to find a weird ass "perfect scenario" that, if Shanks can't go against Teach anytime anywhere, than he can't go at all.

Mind you, that I ain't even trying to "shit on" Teach or anything. Is just that your arguments about Shanks "not wanting to fight Teach" make absolutely no sense at all when the manga has show clear signs that Shanks has intention of trying to stop Teach.


Aokiji just not fighting seriously. He is probably the true leader of the Sword. It is kinda clear L Drake just isnt good enough. Loda fools you guys again with dumb double agent plot... Denjiro says hi
if you read my posts in this thread

you will see that i said

"fake SWORD fight?"

i'm not fooled mate
I think fighting over one piece as pirates is absolutely a fight to the death no matter what, regardless of whatever circumstance Oda puts characters in to survive.

All we know is Shanks wants Luffy for something. If that "something" isnt something Luffy agrees to or Shanks doesnt think he'll fulfill, then it doesnt matter.

There are even reasons to think Shanks lost the arm purposefully to make Luffy feel indebted and become pirate even more. Even in the most recent flashback, hes seen smiling as hes losing the arm now.
Are you implying the Lord of the Coast isn't Yonko level?
Dumbass BB said 2 times his goal was not to let Marines take Boa's DF, he said that specifically.

Fighting Rayleigh+Hancock and sacrifice his 2 commanders is a dumb thing to do.

If you have a brain you can understand, but you just want to lowball BB thats why you zkkturd talk shit about BB knowing that BB neg diffs your fav Zolo.

Same reason why Sengoku didn't appear until the last moment of the battle. One of the strongest should appear last. Red Dog didn't want to leave the execution platform as well, first Aokiji Kizaru go.

Neither Shanks was.

Marco attacked BB after 1 years.

Shanks didn't dare to attack BB.

Shanks knows where BB is, Hachinosu.

Shanks went to Wano to protect Wano, not fight BB.

Daquq you think Rayleigh did at Amazon Lily, dafuq Shanks did at Marineford? To stop fighting, not attack him, just stop him and save others.

Rayleigh and Shanks have same mindset, they push their luck vs. BB to stop him, they knew they would lose if BB decides to fight them.

Rayleigh is Admiral level. EoS Zolo will be Admiral level. I was the one saying Shiryu is minimum Admiral level dumbass, lmao.
Now u are just repeating straight shit which I alrdy debunked in the previous post
How does it feel to be a broken tape recorder :suresure:
We'll see when the full summary drops who's delusional.
Shiryu is weaker than Kuzan and not just "slightly weaker".
Even if he is, your reasoning is dumb, Sengoku didn't attack WB Pirates, because he had thing to do. Who will control other BB Pirates? Aokiji is a new guy, they won't listen his orders for sure.
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