Will Garp die at the end of this arc?

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
When Papalino dominates Old Rayleigh using his fighting style having him visibly stressed and tired

Yoncucks: " Ahahahah Can't beat Old rusty Ray, AdmiraLss"

When Chadbull calls it a day after being sandwiched by two Yonkou crews, Heart Pirates, Kid Pirates, Yamato and Samurai.

Yoncucks: "Ahahahahah Greenbitch,


When Neckbeard nearly gets a heart attack against 2 years older Old rusty Ray and chickens out.


- When Kuzan neg diffs 4 titanic captains and threatens to kill Teach with Teach apologising on behalf of his subordinates plus Kuzan joining because he has nothing else to do.
"You don't understand!!!.....Joke scene!!!.....wants to recruit!!!....

These clowns are hilarious @Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @Wuuuke @Kurozumi Wiwi @Extravlad
I’m starting to notice a pattern between Yonko fans and biased assposting.

Ryokugyu retreats from 3 Yonko crews and Wano:

“Embarrassing L!!! AdmiraLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLs!!”

Teach shits himself at the prospect of his entire crew ganging up on Kuzan:

“No bro please bro don’t misunderstand bro he’s actually really smart bro strategic retreat bro Yonko > Admiral bro subordinate bro please be nice to me bro”

At this point I don’t think Yonko fans and Admiral fans can coexist peacefully. These people have made it clear that they are just biased low iq agenda posters who won’t see reason under any circumstances.
But you are the one crying and from the looks of it it happens since this thread was opened.

Shiryu being above Kuzan is clinically dumb at its core.

Even if you have BB over Kuzan it's not a fight that BB just wins easily.
Lhiryu of the piss when Kuzan told them to bring it on and negged two crewmates off screen :

literally disappeared from the room lmao
No wonder he got Absalom's fruit, it fits his character perfectly.
Why are you so inclined on twisting the reality of what occurs in the chapter just to shit on Admiral fanbase lol.

No one made no one his bitch. Blackbeard offered Kuzan a deal which benefits them both. Kuzan gets to do what he wants and he a has a new perspective in life while Blackbeard basically gained a Top Tier backing up his crew.

Why it always has to be this childish "uga buga" bullshit?

I get it, Admiral fans probably stalk ur ass with "Kuzan > BB" but you can't deny that Kuzan is basically the strongest crewmate and on the same tier as Blackbeard.
I 100% agree with this .
Don't know why some of the fanbase trying use this vs each other .
BB and Kuzan were both chilling and drinking and then made a deal at the end of things .
No one looks bad here and they were always in same tier no matter who you have stronger .


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
The thing is, I have yet to see him drop any character or plot yet lol, and he conistently references the characters i mention above.

If theres one group I can see him dropping, its the whole Level 6 silver medalists one, sunce they havent been mentioned since Dressrosa, but he didnt seem to forget about them.

BM/Kaido did a lot to prevent progress on already established groups/characters. Hes starting now, but....theres still just so much lol
Not really

Many of the plots could be resolved if they all tie to one common plot - Void century.

Only concern is not the plot itself but the characters.

Shanks, Admirals, Dragon, BB, Mihawk, Gorosei and ImU - all of them seem important and oda has yet to flesh them properly.

And, oda wasted 6 years on kaido and BM so I am sure oda won't be able to finish op anytime soon with so many characters still waiting to get fleshed.

And, we already saw oda increasing the pace - Got shanks vs Kidd, bb vs law, now garp is involved, Kizaru and Saturn at eggehead
Not really

Many of the plots could be resolved if they all tie to one common plot - Void century.

Only concern is not the plot itself but the characters.

Shanks, Admirals, Dragon, BB, Mihawk, Gorosei and ImU - all of them seem important and oda has yet to flesh them properly.

And, oda wasted 6 years on kaido and BM so I am sure oda won't be able to finish op anytime soon with so many characters still waiting to get fleshed.

And, we already saw oda increasing the pace - Got shanks vs Kidd, bb vs law, now garp is involved, Kizaru and Saturn at eggehead
Wasted 6 years for a whole lotta nothing 1081>the entire run of the 2 bums:endthis:
Post automatically merged:

i love seeing people downplay koby even tho oda legit is pushing koby as the future of the marines in the story. like u dont have to like koby but be fucking frfr
That's just show how ass he is:endthis:
The Ohara incident was the same year
Cause I am trying to link Saul to this and Shiryu's hunch, the Road Poneglyph was first in fishman Island when Roger went there looking for it.

I wonder if Saul knows/has seen the person carrying the road poneglyph. Unless he himself gained a devil fruit ability he seems out of question, and a giant can't sneak around like that pretty dure the burned scar man would be identified as a giant in that case.
Random thought, but I still have trouble seeing how Oda will end this series anytime soon lol:

- You have currently relevant characters and their groups (Kizaru, 1 Gorosei, Kuma, Vegapunk, Kuzan, Garp, BB and Shanks)
- You have 3 enigmatic characters that seem to stand at the worlds greatest "mysteries" or intrigue (Im, Rocks, now the Burned Scar Man if he's not Rocks)
- You have barely addressed characters like Kong, rest of the Gorosei, Dragon, Sengoku, etc
- You have teased characters like Silver Axe, Ochoku, Scopper and Shiki
- You have barely addressed groups and their rulers like the Underworld Kings (Umit, Peclo, Giberson), CP0 (what even is there heirarchy), SWORD (though we are getting that now) and Revolutionary commanders (beyond their reveals)
- You have teased groups like the Level 6 Silver Medalists that escaped after BB broke out his new crewmates
- You have former villains (CG sans Mihawk, Moria, Doflamingo, Magellan, etc) that seem to still have roles in the story
- You have unknown groups like the "God's Knights" mentioned a while ago that seem to work for Im/Gorosei
- You have a plethora of King/Queen designs that seem to be gearing towards being present during the Final War.

Oh and just any other character i havent mentioned (Weevil, Boa, Rayleigh, Fuji, Akainu, Ryokugyuu, etc etc).

Lol, either this series is never ending or it will take over another decade.
I believe Boa and some others will join the Grand Fleet and help Luffy at Egghead.
There was heavy foreshadowing. For one, Barto should be on the run from Shanks.
For two, they were said to be a participant in a grand incident later on.
Not really

Many of the plots could be resolved if they all tie to one common plot - Void century.

Only concern is not the plot itself but the characters.

Shanks, Admirals, Dragon, BB, Mihawk, Gorosei and ImU - all of them seem important and oda has yet to flesh them properly.

And, oda wasted 6 years on kaido and BM so I am sure oda won't be able to finish op anytime soon with so many characters still waiting to get fleshed.

And, we already saw oda increasing the pace - Got shanks vs Kidd, bb vs law, now garp is involved, Kizaru and Saturn at eggehead
Trust me i get this, it is likely all of these characters collide. He did "resolve" Kid and Law's plotlines for PK fairly quickly. Either Garp or Kuzan will lose soon and be made less relevant eventually.

And yes, many of the characters I mention probably are more endgame than anything, but as we know, volume for Oda just means longer arcs in general. They will all be involved in more related arcs, but it just means arcs are bulkier. The good news is it should mean less side charcters, but even Vegapunk has 7 selves lmao
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