One Piece - Chapter 1083: The Truth About That Day

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Gorosei Informer

dam tcb fast af LETS GOOOOOO!!!!
Tfw when we got the chaper released but no summary from Redon still!

Whatever TCB is on right now, mad respect to them! I thought we might get the chapter in 2-3 hours at earliest but they keep outdoing themselves! If this keeps up we will get the chapters translated when the spoilers are normally due! /s

How long does Petty Redon insist on holding out? The chapter is gonna end up being translated before he puts out the summary at this rate lmao.

You're the one coping lol.

Logias don't regenerate if haki is used.

So Morley cut Aramaki apart without even using haki lol.
Lmao so? Fuckin Jango can cut wood, insane discovery :milaugh:

Scabbards were chopping his wood endlessly, then reached the conclusion that Ryokugyu is invincible
Kaido's hide however is solid form and was pummeled by fodder scabbards