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Smoker vs Luffy >>>> Kizaru vs Luffy. Can't wait.
I hope Smoker has a great comeback.
I headcanon how Fujitora teaches Smoker off screen.

Next time we see Smoker, he's gonna use next level Haki and maybe awakening. Okay, awakening is still too soon but next level Haki is guaranted. If Coby can get that strong, Smoker sure can get much stronger as well.
Kaidou lodting his stamina levitating a island.
Wanna show proof?
*inb4 Yamato panel*

She only says that you can see from clouds weakning that he's getting weaker. That doesn't in any shape or form mean that clouds take his stamina.

Meanwhile I have a panel where Kaido says he wouldn't nerf himself against Luffy, meaning that if an carrying an island was nerfing him, he would've dropped it:

Kaidou Wasting him stamina fighting all supernovas together
While getting help from another yonko and still couldn't beat them
Kaidou wasting his Stamina against scabbards
So Kaido lost massive amounts of stamina to bozos who get neg diff's by Aramaki?
Kaidou enduring Ashura attack.
So Kaido barely enduring 300mil near death rookie with broken bones is a reason why he lost?
Kaiodu enduring AdvCoC attacks from yamato and Luffy.
So few attacks from someone as weak as Yamato is enough to put Kaido out?
Fighting and having upperhand against Luffy's peak
You mean Luffy on the verge of death beat Kaido anyway?
People with brains could already tell...

but if Kuzan wasn't conflicted, he genuinely would have beat the everliving crap out of Garp
Why Garp said he could kill Lakainu? :suresure: Clowns thinking Garp go all out vs Aokiji if you make excuse for Aokiji then Garp didn't go all out vs Aokiji, and still Shiryu saved the day.

Killer and Kid confirmed Kaido's strongest pirate status, no one ever says now Luffy is the strongest pirate, clowns like @Admiral Mou Bu and @EmperorKinyagi thinks Luffy beat Kaido fair :gokulaugh:
Not gonna enter beating fair but at the end of the fight Luffy was in a worse shape. Also i said he is said to be WSC. Thats what his introduction box says. He never got a box saying WSM. So narrator didnt confirm he was WSC but said he is known for it.
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