Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1094 Spoilers Discussion

Why did Saturn transform?

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How ?
The Gorosei stated when Luffy Awakened that he gains more physical power as one of his main attributes that he gains in that form. They were definitely referring to Luffy inflating his muscles which he has done when he pulled Kaido up and slammed him so this punch should logically be far superior.
Luffy said Gear 5 is his Peak Power


Lead them to paradise.
How ?
The Gorosei stated when Luffy Awakened that he gains more physical power as one of his main attributes that he gains in that form. They were definitely referring to Luffy inflating his muscles which he has done when he pulled Kaido up and slammed him so this punch should logically be far superior.
Again he can be superior but to says “far” is exaggerating it.
Also, Kaido fell on his but withe eyed after a weaker punch of the same category lol:

And I am not even quoting this:

Base Luffy with a much weaker Cox.

Fucking thank you!

I swear to you the selective and convenient amnesia Yonko fans have is amazing.

A far greater attack could hurt Kizaru nor make him bleed, a much weaker one has Kaido spitting blood mid-panel and getting down on his ass.

Somehow this is to be twisted in Kaidos favour by some absolute freaking miracle.
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