Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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"Blatant agenda post" yet you ignore the post I quoted making fun of him "shaking"

The whole point is that "shaking" doesn't quantify anything lmao. Kizaru is down temporarily, so is Luffy.
The shaking definitely matters. If he were standing and shaking, Yonkobros would be malding.

Kizaru isn't the main villain of the arc.

Kizaru is the sideshow.

Time to drop your agenda. Luffy will fight Saturn.

That's the entire point of Bonney and Kuma talking about Nika.
Lucci was good to go too yea.

Though something to note Kizaru just got a great endurance feat under his belt. That was Luffy's strongest attack outside Bajrang Gun.

Luffy looking sus this arc.
How is this a great endurance feat for Kizaru the world fastest man run form luffy whole fight get 1 hit and can't move.
For luffy the usual happen and his new form time limit that we have no idea how it works but can't be because of damage cause he hold way more vs kaido .
Sad seeing that kind of trash from Paperchampion of all people.
I thought he would be better than that.
I suppose even the best of us have some bad moments.
My dude actually read the post I quoted lmao?

How are you and @Durableguy not seeing that I was talking about shaking not meaning shit when Kaido fought for 40 more chapters? Its a complement to Kaido, but its also not a detriment to Kizaru.

If you are going to shit on Kizaru, then laugh at him being on the ground temporarily i guess?
This was Kaido's state in terms of endurance; he was kneeling from exhaustion.
He received a blow from Luffy that resembles the blow given to Kizaru, in addition to receiving other blows afterward.
This is Kaido getting up without trembling or anything.
Kizaru is not only paralyzed but also shaking. LMAO
And this is Kaido after fighting for 50 chapters he smacked Luffy out of G5 then fought him for another round and showed an insane attack unlike the one who got one shotted :doffytroll:


The only one who can beat me is me
Only actual objective sane comment in this thread. How hard is it for people to not also see this lol
Agendas my man. It's good for banter though, you only hope the agendas don't totally consume some folk.

I think most people know Kizaru is ok, and that Luffy using all his forms already while Kizaru hasn't really gotten serious. They just getting their licks in before the inevitable.

Though I think it's safe to say now that this round is over, Kizaru looked better than Luffy. He can fight with G5, tank his 2nd strongest attack to date, all while not being focused on him or using his highest end stuff, meanwhile Luffy has been putting so much effort in he was wasted just keeping up.

I'm surprised Luffy has looked this bad, but if you follow every arc, Luffy looks pretty bad at the start, I think he'll start looking better when the fight reaches its climax. This was just the warmup.
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