Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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Okay so let’s say it’s The strawhats. The pre time skip weak strawhats

imagine that in sabaody, instead of the strawhats getting slapped, some random just walked up and kidnapped Nami and made her a slave… Anha… Do you believe that Oda would have Nami be a slave for 2 years? And Luffy and crew just knew Nami was a slave for years and just sitting around twiddling their fucking thumbs until she showed up dead

This is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to an organization in this series

this is more embarrassing than Shanks running through the Kid pirates… Dragon will NEVER RECOVER FROM THIS
No you’re right

Luffy would try to raid Mariejois and the whole crew would die

Dragon isn’t Luffy, he can’t afford to take that risk while he’s responsible for an entire organization
The flashback takes place over a decade ago, we have no idea how strong Dragon and the Revos were at the time

It said in the spoilers that Kuma couldn’t teleport until he got her exact location which he didn’t have previously, it isn’t instant transmission

Fisher Tiger did it single-handedly while already there, completely different situation. Plus Dragon may have lacked the necessary info to risk rescuing Ginny
Dragon was pretty much 40, which is a characters prime or very close to it

Leaks are vague so far, I find it hard to believe though that the Revolutionary Army knew nothing about who kidnapped Ginny for two years.

Bro you're clueless, Fisher Tiger climbed the Red Line to save the slaves, he wasn't there already.
Okay so let’s say it’s The strawhats. The pre time skip weak strawhats

imagine that in sabaody, instead of the strawhats getting slapped, some random just walked up and kidnapped Nami and made her a slave… Anha… Do you believe that Oda would have Nami be a slave for 2 years? And Luffy and crew just knew Nami was a slave for years and just sitting around twiddling their fucking thumbs until she showed up dead

This is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to an organization in this series

this is more embarrassing than Shanks running through the Kid pirates… Dragon will NEVER RECOVER FROM THIS
its retarded. I mean even in pretimeskip the Straw Hats would have gone to marejois to save her if she had been captured in similar matter

not doing anything for 2 years is fucking insane
absolute garbage.
Well at least now we know why Ledon and the Arab leakers were so late this time around. Too busy jerking their microdicks off to celestial dragon Charloss gangbang fanfic
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