Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1099 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the true King of Sorbet ?

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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
I guess it's fitting for the two gluttons to just eat any fruit they see.
Yeah, it's a fun parallel to Luffy. Nothing really serious, but I think it's a nice touch.

Most people have no idea what Devil Fruits look like, and we know Kuma's island isn't the most prosperous place.

Bonney found a Fruit without knowing what they looked like, was hungry, and ate it. Makes total sense within the plot.
It was 296 million.

His bounty was lower than both Doffy and Moria.
Well it's still the pre skip inconsistency since everything around 200 - 300 million was ridiculously large and Warlords started treating Luffy properly after the latter defeated Lucci and also received 300 million.

I'm not even sure if the timeskip was planned in TB or even in Sabondy. Because let's be honest, Luffy's G2 - which is pretty much a fodder transformation now - was still so effective against characters who were supposed to destroy even high tiers, Magellan and Blackbeard for example. Nowadays, both characters would just easily tank that shit.

So I'd say Kuma's bounty would be 1.8 billion easily by current standards. He was destroying entire navy fleets including the tyrant king several times; I also doubt they were just some nameless fodder. It wouldn't wonder me if some Vice Admirals were also defeated.
We've waited like, 15 years for Kuma's backstory, I can handle Oda taking his time with it.

One Piece is a series with a ton of characters and places in it, so, sometimes it's a slog to read weekly.

This is probably one of the best paced flashbacks in the series, we've gone through the entire man's life almost in like, 5 chapters? While also getting some God Valley, Revolutionary stuff, introducing multiple new characters, and also getting Bonney info and moments?

People are just frustrated from the breaks, but this is a necessary chapter to explain what happened to Kuma.
If this flashback was all about some random character then it's like yeah why the fuck are getting this flashback for this random character.

But this is a Kuma flashback, a character that Oda has built up ever since the Jaya arc.

Ever since the beginning of Egghead, it was obvious that at some point during the arc, we were going to get a Kuma focused flashback.

This flashback is supposed to be about Kuma's life and how he ended up where he did, this was never supposed to be full non stop Rev action flashback.

The one thing I can understand, is that reading these chapters weekly along with the breaks isn't the best.

But other than that, the overall flashback again has been really good and enjoyable.
There is a limit to take the readers for fools, I pity the one who buy the tomes nowadays. It's clearly a middle finger to everyone.

Waste of time and panels, jeez ....
If the spoiler is to be believed, Saturn had nothing to do with Kuma becoming a pacifista… Kuma got a tip from Dragon that his friend Vegapunk could help save Bonney, Kuma goes to vegapunk and Vegapunk says he can save Bonney… But then Vegapunk refuses just save Bonney on the spot… Vegapunk says he wants Kuma to sacrifice his life for Bonney… and then afterwards Saturn somehow here’s about the deal that Vegapunk gave Kuma

How is Vegapunk not a bad guy here?
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