Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1099 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the true King of Sorbet ?

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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Meatheads being meatheads like usual.

Also yeah they are suffering from Zoro withdrawal.:suresure:
We've waited like, 15 years for Kuma's backstory, I can handle Oda taking his time with it.

One Piece is a series with a ton of characters and places in it, so, sometimes it's a slog to read weekly.

This is probably one of the best paced flashbacks in the series, we've gone through the entire man's life almost in like, 5 chapters? While also getting some God Valley, Revolutionary stuff, introducing multiple new characters, and also getting Bonney info and moments?

People are just frustrated from the breaks, but this is a necessary chapter to explain what happened to Kuma.
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