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Of course Luffy did not have enough allies already,so lets add Kizaru,why not 😒
Kizaru has way more of an emotional connection to Vegapunk, Sentomaru, Bonney and Kuma and he's still not hesitating to kill them, not to mention he already saw G5 Luffy and had no particular reaction to it.

Why does he dancing once in the past suddenly change that? He probably just followed Kuma's lead and didn't know it was tied to Nika.
Of course Luffy did not have enough allies already,so lets add Kizaru,why not 😒
You are not getting this right.

Kizaru won't ally with Luffy for the sole purpose of him being Nika.

Kizaru doesn't give a fuck about Nika. He didn't dance because he suddenly admires Nika. He did the Nika dance because he was with his friends who admire and idolize Nika (Kuma basically).

Kizaru cares about his friends who are Vegapunk, Kuma, Bonney and Sentomaru.

Kizaru is conflicted because he has a mission that is dealt by the devil (Saturn) but this mission involves hurting his friends. He still went after his mission but this hurts him inside. Kizaru is in shackles and his soul is trapped by Saturn. He is a cog in the machine as a consequence.

Nika defeating Saturn will liberate Kizaru from this conflict and he may switch sides to protect and ally with Vegapunk, Kuma, Bonney and Sentomaru. They may be part of "Luffy's grand fleet" but that is completely irrelevant.
Are you being serious?
I mean, he was a revolutionary army commander. Did you expect the WG to just let him go so he can help fight again? And Kuma still got what he wanted. What happened to him was tragic, but he was fine with it as long as Bonney was cured. He took the deal willingly. Saturn is still evil for what he did, but most previous One Piece villains have done worse things for worse reasons.
I think Kuma is going to visit Luffy and see if Luffy is like Dragon.

His dialogue in Thriller Bark kind of hints towards this.

I think Kuma will be spying on Luffy and will see something in him which reminds him of the stories of Nika
I highly doubt that Kuma is going to see Luffy to see if Luffy is like Dragon, I think there is more to it.

I think that Kuma will follow Luffy in his journey, either because he wants it or as an order, and he will save him more than once.

Kuma took Luffy's pain (that Zoro took) and saved Luffy in Sabaody. Maybe there are more instances than these.

Kuma, the one who allowed Nika to come back.

Maybe Kuma talked to Shanks and Shanks told him that Luffy was Nika or that he said the same words than Roger.
The guy that the WB pirates thought was enough to halt mihawk after seeing his strength.
The guy that needed help of 15 other guys but still failed to halt akainu but was fine alone against mihawk
The chad that Mihawk had to beg for a time out because he was too weak to win outright.
The guy listed in the databooks as having similar swordsmanship than Mihawk
This guy that was not strong enough to be a YC1 or YC2 but was strong enough to make mihawk beg for a timeout
The man with a smile that is brighter than the sun :vistalaugh::vistalaugh::vistalaugh::vistalaugh::vistalaugh:
I mean, he was a revolutionary army commander. Did you expect the WG to just let him go so he can help fight again? And Kuma still got what he wanted. What happened to him was tragic, but he was fine with it as long as Bonney was cured. He took the deal willingly. Saturn is still evil for what he did, but most previous One Piece villains have done worse things for worse reasons.
Kuma "agreed" to the deal because after a childhood of enslavement and seeing his parents get killed he has an inferiority complex. He calls himself "a spineless pacifist" which when you think about it makes no sense because why would a real pacifist use violence to dethrone King Becori and join the Revolutionary Army? Kuma questions his right to live and wants to "be of use" to others which clearly stems from his slave mindset. One could argue that a person who has been victimized and manipulated to dislike himself to such a degree cannot consent willingly. All in ll, Kuma is a racist stereotype of a black enslaved person/an Uncle Tom. I'm really amazed tbh. Oda surpassed himself, it took him only 4 chapters to build and subsequently deconstruct a character in the most nonsensical and idiotic way.
Man, I'm overwhelmed with a lot of things, and I'm not processing things quickly. Could you explain it to me? I couldn't grasp this!
Essentially, Kizaru was taxed by the environmental cold of Egghead, while Doflamingo bot only walked into the frozen Part of Punk Hazard casually while wearing an open Shirt, he shrugged off the freezing of Aokiji casually. Realizing that difference, it was only logical for Aokiji to advice Smoker to have admirals (plural) dispatched, with Law also saying that Admirals (plural) would be dispatched, should Doflamingo leave his Shichibukai position.

Sasaki Kojirō

Essentially, Kizaru was taxed by the environmental cold of Egghead, while Doflamingo bot only walked into the frozen Part of Punk Hazard casually while wearing an open Shirt, he shrugged off the freezing of Aokiji casually. Realizing that difference, it was only logical for Aokiji to advice Smoker to have admirals (plural) dispatched, with Law also saying that Admirals (plural) would be dispatched, should Doflamingo leave his Shichibukai position.
The Conqueror's Haki of Ace had the ability to make a snowy island stop snowing by emitting heat in that proportion. I think Doflamingo can do the same with his King's Haki. Interestingly, currently, Garp broke free from Kuzan's freezing using Conqueror's Haki. So, Kizaru, being a lackey without the qualities of a conqueror, has to endure basic things like cold, while the formidable Celestial Dragon Doflamingo does not.
Kuma "agreed" to the deal because after a childhood of enslavement and seeing his parents get killed he has an inferiority complex. He calls himself "a spineless pacifist" which when you think about it makes no sense because why would a real pacifist use violence to dethrone King Becori and join the Revolutionary Army? Kuma questions his right to live and wants to "be of use" to others which clearly stems from his slave mindset. One could argue that a person who has been victimized and manipulated to dislike himself to such a degree cannot consent willingly. All in ll, Kuma is a racist stereotype of a black enslaved person/an Uncle Tom. I'm really amazed tbh. Oda surpassed himself, it took him only 4 chapters to build and subsequently deconstruct a character in the most nonsensical and idiotic way.
Looking back at Saboady, I wonder if Kizaru went there to save the people from getting nuked by the Gorosei. You could see he pressured Sengoku that he will clean up the mess but all he did was troll around while Kuma helped the Straw Hats escape.