It's even worse to Arlong since he is only part of a rather strong crew which is still nothing to a Yonko crew.
If it's impressive that being part of the Sun pirates, then Speed ain't a fodder either.
Arlong is an actual New World fodder.
He got his ass whooped throughout the Grandline and took Ls on screen. Then he decided to leave the dangerous seas, enslaved a weak village in East Blue and thought he's superior to humans. He just couldn't cope with the fact that he got utterly destroyed in the Grandline. Arlong was just a loser who couldn't content in the Grandline. That's it.
Meh... Oda's message only teasing about two characters fighting and the outmatch being something "unpredictable"...
So, Dragon or Kuma vs Saturn, which leaves us two possibilities:
- If it's Dragon vs Saturn, Dragon loses and that's it... Almost everyone thinks Dragon is superior to Saturn so this would be a good punch in the jaw to the fandom.
- If it's Kuma vs Saturn, Kuma beat Saturn with some help like Luffy, Bonney or the ancient robot due to some weakness from Saturn. I don't like this route, I hope not the case.
Blow mind plot twist, Dragon somehow arrives to Egghead and he reveals to be a bad guy, then he allies to Saturn or kill him for his own agenda.
So, we will have Sabo as the new RA leader and Dragon leading his true organisation, most likely mercenaries/underworld, declares the war to the world.
Evil Dragon leading an evil organisation would be dope.
Post automatically merged:
Also, I think this is likely the last chapter of flashback... We are seeing things from "recent" events in the timeline.
Yonkou são muito fortes mano com kaidou sendo o ápice de todo o mundo, a personificação da força, o iluminado entre o céu e a terra, o rei dos 3 mundo ( terra, mar e ar), a criatura viva mais forte de todo o One Piece
Damn didn’t know losing to Borsalino meant fodder
Arlong was a member of the Sun pirates for years and sank tons of navy ships and was one of the strongest members of the Sun Pirates, a feared pirate crew throughout the grand line.
Damn didn’t know losing to Borsalino meant fodder
Arlong was a member of the Sun pirates for years and sank tons of navy ships and was one of the strongest members of the Sun Pirates, a feared pirate crew throughout the grand line.
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