Luffy fans will say you have Low IQ lol.

The solid proof argument right?
Others just say "well he's the MC" and I'm like let's accept trash writing moves cuz MC must be X.
Others just say "well he's the MC" and I'm like let's accept trash writing moves cuz MC must be X.
Luffy fans live under the illusion that Luffy is a god who defeats the strongest "easily" with the power of his Looney Tunes form, when in fact his greatest power is the power of the MC.
I hate to say this cause some of the people who claim this are my friends and I don't want to hurt them but it's an unfathomably fucking stupid argument lol
Yes Luffy is the MC, yes he's a good character, but that doesn't justify this goofy pirate Jesus stuff.
Yes Luffy is the MC, yes he's a good character, but that doesn't justify this goofy pirate Jesus stuff.
However, you guys are oversimplifying the situation and you have to consider the whole context.
You are missing the part where Luffy doesn't give a fuck about this, he still thinks he has the rubber fruit.
You are missing the part where it's slaves that wished for Nika to come back, that it's Shanks who stole the fruit, that it's Kuma who saved Luffy in Sabaody, it's the people around Luffy who are putting him up there.
You are missing the very little fact that the reason Luffy ate the fruit is because slaves wished for a warrior of liberation to come free them, that this wish was embodied in the Nika fruit. That Luffy is a "warrior of liberation" despite him.
You are missing the part where Luffy just wants to become the pirate king.
You are also missing the part where we haven't even gotten the reason why the world in One Piece is what it is right now.
You are missing the fact that Roger laughed in Laugh Tale and he wished to be in JoyBoy's era, why did he want to be in his era?
The story is not about Luffy wanting to be a hero, he only wants to become the pirate king and eat as much as he wants. The people around him are putting on him this JoyBoy hat, well in fact "strawhat", something he didn't wish to.
May as well the story ends with Luffy saying fuck off to everyone and just claiming the One Piece.
The story is not about Nika, it's still about Luffy wanting to be the pirate king, it has always been.