@HA001 @ConquistadoR @Cruxroux @GUI VI @mly90 @Peroroncino @nik87 @Fleet Leader Fenaker @Roronoa-sama @ZoroMazino @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
- Kizaru uses a sword to cut
- Zoro is joining the other Straw Hats, Jinbe went to get him
I'm not a Zoro fan but even if it's over for Zoro vs Lucci, we all know where this may be heading towards.
- Kizaru uses a sword to cut
- Zoro is joining the other Straw Hats, Jinbe went to get him
I'm not a Zoro fan but even if it's over for Zoro vs Lucci, we all know where this may be heading towards.