Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1106 Spoilers Discussion

Will Kizaru use awakening in the next Chapters?

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honestly agenda piece with luffy is the dumbest clownest shit ever, like motherfuckers here like the potato guy shilling for luffy when you know well that clown will be top 1EoS. Luffy is used as a metric for other agendas to slander i.e admirals and yonko
having a luffy agenda is like predicting a coin toss will end in heads or tails :laughmoji: boring mushy little mama's boys that know nothing about hustle
I already did an entire thread on the shocking event. Once again, we are literally in a situation where people are losing their homes and entire islands because the sea levels in the entire world just rose by a foot. If you just lost your home or your entire home island, you aren’t going to give a shit if Saint whoever just got punched to death or whatever. The event that shocks the world must be something that fundamentally changes the world’s current understanding of why things are the way they are.

I believe that this event will be the awakening of ancient kingdom tech all over the world, which would most certainly shock the entire world enough to make them question what exactly their government has been hiding from them for 800 years and would also set the stage for the entire world rebelling against the WG. Compared to this, the defeat of one Gorosei is insignificant.

The world shocking event must be something that serves as the catalyst for the entire world rebelling against the WG. No one cares if Saint Pissant dies right now. Islands are literally disappearing under the sea lmfao.
I'll debunk relevant points in your thread too.
1. Straight away you started with head canon in your thread. Said who, lol? Did Oda ever say they had no chance of winning just because they're "outnumbered" (outnumbered by fodder BTW, in raw terms, apart from Saturn Kizaru and Lucci, who else is a big problem? Even the Seraphim, we've already seen their command can be broken, like how S Snake did for Luffy. So why wouldn't that apply to S Kuma? Or S Jinbei?). Next "uncharacteristic" yeah because they weren't outnumbered/outgunned against Kaido, right? Kaido literally 1 shotted the strongest in the crew at the start, forget the other emperor Big Mom, beast pirates, CP etc etc. That Luffy was far more outnumbered and outgunned then current Luffy who's way stronger since then. Next, Marineford talking about "outgunned" the dude managed to free Ace and only Aces own stupidity got himself killed. Lol. Not sure what you're on about, but overcoming the odds is Luffy's thing, and there ain't no odds here, lol. Luffy V Saturn + Kizaru. Unlike Kaido, who he couldn't even lay a scratch on at the start, he laid out Kizaru before he even got started, and only then do you add in the powerups and Luffy beating Kizaru + Saturn is better "odds" then WCI Luffy beating Kaido. Lol, and it still happened.
2. "Zero build up" mentions the build up? Wut? Lmfao. Those 3 people are just as much "build" up for Luffy beating Saturn and Kizaru and becoming truly "Yonko tier" with the bounty boost more fitting of emperors just as much as the "build up" for Luffys Nika awakening, which was foreshadowed by 1 person in Wano. And it still happened. What's the 1 constant in One Piece fights? The 1 formula? Luffys fights must be truly hard. How does anybody (not end game like Imu/Shanks/BB) give Luffy a harder fight then Kaido? Saturn + Kizaru sounds to me like it. I wonder if you were one of the ones that insisted on them not defeating and "escaping" Kaido at Luffy's last defeat before awakening too. Bro literally came back from death to beat Kaido and you're saying Luffy beating "horrific odds" is uncharacteristic of Oda. Lmfao.
3. Serve no purpose but acknowledged that Oda has clearly shown that there is doubt in Luffys status as a emperor? Did you also just forget the triple 3B beri bounty top rookies that left Wano? 2 literally got decimated by Yonkos shortly afterwards. The obvious purpose here is Luffy succeeding (I.E defeating Kizaru/Saturn) where the other 2 couldn't whilst simultaneously carrying on the pattern by defeating a 3B beri admiral as a yonko.
4. Didn't Zoro repeatedly state or infer killing/chopping Kaidos head off or some shit in Wano? Scabbards and Yamato as well? Wasn't one of the big talking points of ZKK, everybody stating that Kaido needs to get beheaded? Look at how that turned out, lmfao. Who said they're sticking around for 50 chapters? And who even cares? In universe the final part of the Luffy-Kaido took like 30 minutes in universe. Nothing out of the ordinary for Oda to give 20 chapters of fights that in universe take 30 minutes. Talking about fights, the reason even Wano was so long was because the gap between him and his opponent (Kaido) was 10x bigger which resulted in successive cycles of defeats-returns-defeats-returns, each time Luffy coming back stronger. The gap between Luffy and Kizaru and even potentially Saturn is no where near that big. Probably nobody but Imu will require Luffy as many rounds as Kaido did simply because he was that much weaker then the top crop at that point in time. Now his muuuuch closer, it looks like his AP is already yonko or above, but Oda has decided extend the "underdog" and standard characteristics of Luffys fights by focusing on stamina instead, which, if anything shows us even more that in this arc he might be buffing/powering up on that side of things to truly become emperor level. Luffy being in a 2v1, 1 thats good at stalling/extending/dodging and 1 that's just won't go down and heal through everything, seems like a very damn good fight to improve his stamina.
5. Lmfaoooo. Delusional. Oda doesn't have 10 more years to do that escape-train-return shit. This isn't a "mirror" its the return, they got decimated once, now they'll decimate most of the same actors then to claim superiority. Sentomarou-Kuma-Kizaru. Luffy has claimed superiority over these in some way, shape or form already, but Oda will probably really want to drill it in so Luffy beating not just Kizaru but Saturn at the same time, sounds like a really good damn way. After all, he wasn't satisfied with some of what the fans wanted in Wano "ohh you pushed Kaido this hard, good job!!!! But you aren't there yet so retreat to live another day and challenge Kaido again some day" this isn't JJK shit where Oda shits on his MC. This is One Piece. Oda respects his MC. Granted he does pull stuff like this because he just can't help himself from using Luffy to create tension/stakes/hype for the villain etc etc. But the crucial difference is, he always gives a satisfying pay off. Just like he did it in Wano. Just like he'll do it again.
6. Sea level rising bit has to be the dumbest argument I've heard so far. Lmfao.

Which part of this even slightly suggests that it has anything to do with sea levels rising?
Every other page in the chapter where this statement was made, was all directly related to Egghead. It had nothing to do with whatever Revs were doing or the nonsensical sea level rising thing lmao. This logic, connecting random shit from different chapters to a specific statement made in 1 chapter, is the equivalent of looking at a questionnaire, asking "what is your name?" But then you go skip to the last page last question asking "how can we improves this questionnaire?" and adding in your name on that page. All part of the same booklet, right? Lmfao.
-The resolution of this incident, Egghead island in the background, entire chapter to do with Egghead island, panel and monologue of a admiral and a gorosei losing their collective shits because the ship of a emperor just sailed into Egghead as they were in the middle of invading to take out Vegapunk. Oh the incident itself? Yeah that Shock had nothing to do with Egghead island, it was all related to revs attacking Mari Jois and all the islands up in revolt. Great logic. Dudes picking random stuff, completely disregarding the context and connecting it to other random stuff. Lmfao.
-2 Yonkos fell like 2 or 3 weeks before this statement was made? What are you on? :suresure:
-Shichibukai abolishment and the NSG replacing it literally happened ages ago before the resolution of egghead. What are you on??? Lmfao.

"Would inflict a kind of shock....The world never saw coming...." Hmmmm lets see which other emperor fell before, (and therefore was not a shock?) Oh wait WB. Flooding and seas levels rising? Oh wait Water 7 literally called so for making cities on top of flooded cities.

Why should anybody care.....

Ask Oda. Because he death of vice admiral T-bone literally sent shock waves around the world whilst all of this shit you're describing was happening. If that was enough to sent shock waves, then you can bet the fall of a admiral and world elder would inflict a kind of shock that the world never expected, something so unexpected definitely sounds orders of magnitude bigger.

"If the sea levels just rose by a foot and part of your house just sunk, or if your home island entirely just sunk"
You actually need to touch some grass using these stupid real world comparisons because you'd then know that this shit literally happened in real life 2022 ){Pakistan floods) and it didn't even make it into the news for some countries whilst Queen "whats her name" passes and actor whatshisname slapped the other celeb whatshisname was plastered across the front pages everywhere. Lmfao.

"That’s not going to matter to you or your life in the slightest given the greater context of everything else happening here." Contender for dumbest shit I've ever heard.

"I imagine that even the death of Whitebeard himself would have gone relatively under everyone’s radar if it happened at the same time as all this other crap, which is much more world-shaking than the meaningless consequences of some battle on some island you’ve never heard of. If an Admiral dies, they’ll appoint a new Admiral. If a Gorosei dies, they’ll find a new Gorosei. It doesn’t fucking matter."

Is that why the death of Vice Admiral T-bone sent shockwaves across the world?

"No, I had always said that the world-shaking event cannot be the defeat of either Luffy or the WG here, since if you’re actually reading the greater story right now, it doesn’t fucking matter one iota to the vast majority of the OP world who wins this battle right now in context to everything else. I guarantee you 95% of the OP world forgot this was even happening in context to everything else."

The death of vice admiral T-Bone is more shocking then the combined defeats/deaths of a marine admiral and 1 of the 5 publicly known highest authorities in the world, according to this guy.

The rest of that post was just fan fic so won't read more into it.

Why the fuck is ancient kingdom tech awakening all over the world when it was most likely Luffys heartbeat that powered that old robot for a bit? Luffy heartbeat travelling across the world now? Lmfao. Save that shit for EOS and you might hit the mark. That ain't happening anytime soon and it isn't the shocking Egghead incident.
Again fanfic and you straight up being delusional and badly in need of touching grass because the same comparison you tried to draw has literally happened in real life (Queen Elizabeths death V Pakistan floods).
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