You are not ready for the most hilariously debaucherous, heinous, degenerate and epic double spread of him using the Gura Gura to quake her cheeks and shake the island too, ZEHAHAHA!
She can use those transforming powers to "great effect" too then!:
Pragmatically though, she might wanna seduce Teach to "ride" on his success and reap the benefits though, since she can transform herself, she can make herself as desirable for him as he would like and thus as beautiful/sexy and such lol. She can become whoever he fantasises about.
And now I apologise for leaving you all with those mental images lmfao.

She can use those transforming powers to "great effect" too then!:
Pragmatically though, she might wanna seduce Teach to "ride" on his success and reap the benefits though, since she can transform herself, she can make herself as desirable for him as he would like and thus as beautiful/sexy and such lol. She can become whoever he fantasises about.
And now I apologise for leaving you all with those mental images lmfao.