Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1108 Spoilers Discussion

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Bald Spoiler Provider
If sanji fans still don’t learn after the 100th time I don’t feel sorry for you clowns any more

5 times this arc he got hype tooled and one block you think he was all of a sudden change as a character


Talent is something you make bloom.
Tbf they only became a Yonko crew the other day. Half the crew are still kids playing pirates hell their captain is a 19yo dumbass. It is just how they are built unfortunately and I don't expect that to change until EoS.
Usopp is most likely getting fs and prep time. That should be enough for Van Auger.
I have 0 problem with Usopp being a coward until EoS.
I have a problem with Usopp doing stuff pre-TS, training, getting cool plant stuff with lots of applicability, and then doing less than what he used to do pre-TS and crying double the amount.
I have a problem with Oda going for some MADS plotline for Sanji and Franky spending his 2 years learning from Vegapunk's work, and not follow up on those things at all.
That Kizaru is falling to Luffy, I have no problem with. From day 1 I say that no one bar Luffy is allowed to defeat "the 1st admiral". Then, AND ONLY THEN, Zoro and Sanji would be ALLOWED to defeat 1. Just like the YC. But Kizaru's spotlight is being clouded hard by the introduction of a new "top tier group" in Saturn.
I would much rather have Zoro stalling Kizaru like a Luffy top commander should be able to do by now, instead of this clown fiesta. Zoro vs Lucci, agenda aside, is nothing but a dumbass shenanigan to keep Zoro at bay so Luffy can have it all.
"oh, but sanji saved edison" "oh but laser deflect". Yes, those are cool. And? He's still unable to actually contribute. Saving for saving, Franky saved Luffy from getting stabbed by Saturn. FRANKY HYPE? See the point?
The VAs were freaking useless, as always.
The Pacifistas...well, those aren't an issue thanks to the Deus Ex Machina of Vegafraud suddenly remembering to tell Bonney that she can command an army of them.
The Seraphims? They introduction was cool, but they have been immediately dealt with and are nothing but a "gimmicky" threat at any point.
My only sorrow is that Teach is gonna lose to the second coming of Jes-I mean, Joyboy.
0 hype for Elbaf since it's most likely gonna be just Nika wank.
0 hype about Void Century since it's DEFINITELY gonna be just Nika wank.

Legit the most annoying plotline introduced in the story.
Took Oda 1000 chapters to introduce it, and, my hats to him, what an amazingly shitty job he did doing so.
But hey, if he finds it fun, who cares.
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