I actually agree.
Egghead has been horrendous apart from outside events and Kumar's FB.
Oda treatment of both kiz and Saturn so far is bad.
Kiz hasn't shown anything significant. Hardly any named attacks and no sign of awakening. It seems oda gives haki and awakening as per the requirement of the plot.
If kiz is just spamming lasers then Saturn? He is just regen hax. He hasn't shown anything spectacular. I don't even think he can put up a good fight because of his design.
Really don't know what oda was thinking giving such DFS to top authorities
Saturn and the gorosei might actually be “demons” so maybe in their case it isn’t devil fruits. With their more humanoid forms possibly being a mask/disguise and their full monster forms being the real them
As for kizaru he seemingly doesn’t have any special advanced haki but apparently very proficient in barrier armament
Don't believe he has any real hints of having future observation but is fast regardless
I still think all the admirals kizaru included might have conquerors
As for awakening I hope he has one lol
Hopefully kizaru is able to go all out this arc and does show at least awakening before getting defeated. Leading to orange admiral hype
In his defense Kuzan didn’t show off awakening or conquerors and I still believe he has them too

At the same time while idk how I feel about it maybe he won’t be defeated. Maybe kizaru, Saturn, and Lucci end up surviving egghead to be defeated at a later point idk