Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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It's the same for kaidou, no one can say what was missing for that man, he even mastered Luffy's Haki who was capable of dividing the skies like Roger and Wb.

Villains that runs a gaunlet of multiple fighters without a break and needing asspull End game lvl power ups from the mc to finally but the last nail in the coffin aren't to be underestimated or slander in any form tbh
Sukuna etc etc
Only one piece fandom has shown more disrespect towards their character (idk if it's troll/agenda going crazy or plain stupidity)
Kaido (with Enel) could be the only person who's a raid boss out of all others........until maybe Imu.
You either pick Looney Tunes or Tension. You cant have both. No one will ever think Bugs Bunny is in danger nor will they ever feel Nika (and the SHs) is too.
Yeah, that's my problem with G5, it kills the tension of the fights pretty quickly.
I'm kinda worried about how it's gonna translate to Luffy vs. Akainu, cause you got a ton of tension and drama there, if it's a fight where Luffy's laughing his ass off, turning Akainu into a pancake, or some shit like that, it just kills everything, the tension, the drama, all the good stuff.
That all depends on the circles you're in. There are lots of people who don't read one piece for the fights but for the mystery and lore. It's clear that Oda himself cares about that more than the actual fights which is why Gear 5 is even a thing to begin with. Dude wants to just have fun and fuck around with Luffy's fights
But fights are >50% of One Piece. You can't progress without having a fight against a powerful villain. The mystery and lore always take a backseat compared to the battles. ALWAYS.

Look at Wano arc. Where was the importance of lore around Red Poneglyphs in Onigashima? It was done and over in like one chapter post-victory with Law and Robin not even fucking Luffy the MC.
ngl the fandom would be alot better without power scalers whining every chapter

oda doesnt give a shit about powerscaling

its not real
This. People keep trying to find some kind of logic each page of whether a character has black lightning, coc, mathematically measuring "feats" not realizing that Oda has never been very consistent with fights like most shonens. All fights exists to either look cool or move the plot forward. If they serve that purpose, then they succeeded (something G5 isn't doing a good job of). Its why agendas and wanking never make any sense to me.
wow japanese zoro fans are vocal about the new chapter spoilers and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way oda is nerfing the SHs and the whole lucci thing. I guess they were holding out hope for the 1111 theory. There's even a petition that's garnered hundreds of signatures to have the chapter changed. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.
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Just like after Luffy's fight. Except back then he was immediatelly looking for Luffy.
he wasnt left standing at the end lol
So Luffy can do anything is what I’m understanding…. He can just wake up and do whatever Oda wants him to do

that means anytime you see Luffy losing it’s not because of in-world tension or anything… it’s because Oda has simply decided that Luffy shouldn’t just win

like since these are toon force rules… nothing’s stopping Luffy from pull a nuke out of his ass… i mean this literally, Luffy can reach into his anus and pull out a nuclear bomb and it’s it’s fine because looney toon gags and whatever…

From now on when power scaling Luffy, always remember he has his ass nuke on the ready… anytime you are talking about Luffy vs Akainu or something, remember that Luffy pulling a nuclear bomb from his anus is a reasonable assumption to make since it’s a gag and all gags are on the table
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