Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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Topman bodied a yonko LMAOOO
Topman for a reason!!
Dude literally pulled the best adv CoC feat so far, almost even got Luffy if Giants didn't step in. Best feat so far, it make look Saturn pretty low in compare.

I expect to have Mars and Nusjuro to have also crazy adv CoC since Lucci said crazy haki all over the island...

These guys are endgame material...
We need to see the raws and dialogue, sounds like Oda wanted to show Zoro's much stronger than Lucci but also wanted to give Lucci his flowers.

So he had Zoro casually blitz/one-shot him, but kept Lucci on his feet to save face. The spoiler clearly says Zoro vs Lucci has finished, which means Lucci was unable to fight anymore. If all he can do is remain standing but can no longer fight, that's a one-shot.

Then Oda had Jinbe blow him away so he could meet Mars and show his human side by caring for Kaku whilst praising Lucci again.

Sounds like a win for all sides - Lucci fans get characterisation and praise from a top-tier, Zoro fans get satisfaction knowing he bodied Lucci, Jinbe fans get screen time and a new move.
Lucci literally got monet treatment paralyzed then Tashigi finished her
Zoro and jinbe have left

Mars sees lucci after they have gone
The shs are leaving

No one is stopping the gorosei
I dont think thats the point. No one reasonable is saying the Gorosei are losing here, I never was.

But the fact is that the AR is now awake, so it may hold back the Gorosei, which makes sense.

On top of this, the VAs are still a factor for now. It may or may not turn into quick fights. Depends on if Oda is fodderizing this group or bot.

Kizaru is also just mourning, I dont think that means he wont do anything the rest of the arc at least.
Ok. So.

  1. Zoro didn't one shotted Lucci
  2. Lucci doesn't seem he will go berserker awakened mode by losing consciousness later
  3. Warcury CoC roar seems pretty impressive but is only basic CoC no real effect on strong individuals. Anyway we never saw a CoC that far if wasn't for Shanks but he didn't fainted anyone so hard to compare.
  4. Still no CoC attack against Gorosei to know the effects.
  5. Jinbei and Zoro seems to be the members most behind. Sanji and Nika (with Giants) seems somewhat close from escaping if wasn't for Ancient Robot.
  6. Ancient Robot may not be the ally we thought it was.
Now my predictions. We know that Ryuuma is the cause WG is not invading Wano. Probably he had the ability to permanently damage Gorosei. CoC coating attacks seems to be the only explanation for me. I doubt that black blades would be the factor to harm them.

Is also nice to see that Luci still cares about Kaku even being defeated.
It's so blatant how shit Kizaru looks with Kinyagi immediately dropping him and wanking the Gorosei instead:gokulaugh:

Never forget that AssmiraLtards were the ones that said the Gorosei were weak old men who needed Kizaru as a bodyguard and that they were weaker than Vegapunk
Never say that, Just kizaru Is obv that cry for vegapunk
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