Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

Which Gorosei Will Zoro fight?

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My respect for Saturn was high last chapter.

I told everyone, multiple times, in full zealot mode, that he was stronger than Kaido.

Then the spoilers for this chapter drop.

“Ussop and Nami fight with Saturn.”

Never again. I am DONE with Laturn and making excuses for him.

Warcury is my main man now.
Ultimately we know Zoro & Jinbe are going to intervene, but anything that isn't an immediate neg is a L lmao


When were you under the impression this game is..
Yes I’m sure this level of portrayal will continue endlessly, Warcury will have zero questionable feats or moments of portrayal that would cause you to abandon him ignore Dorry and Broggy overpowering him, just as we saw with Saturn, your logic of wanking Saturn above Kaido was infallible and surely Warcury will end the exact same way.
Unlike him I will never abandon Saturn because I was on that hype train since I saw him on that boat with his chad cane.

  1. Luffy will end up saving Shirahoshi aka Poseidon before Blackbeard gets his hands on her
  2. Blackbeard will probably successfully take Pluton from wano
    • Evil d with black hole powers controlling the god of hell is fitting
  3. Shanks might already have Uranus or at least knows it’s location considering it might be the egg that was on Roger’s ship
    • Shanks having celestial dragon blood having the god of the sky/heavens on his side is fitting
Luffy defeating them might lead to him having all 3 ancient weapons on his side
It's neat how the information revealed in this chapter explains the fates of various islands, whether they were completely submerged (like Lulusia and probably Fish-Man Island) as well as other places that are partially submerged, like Wano and Water 7. I also wonder if the knock up stream is some sort of side effect to this process.
Yes I’m sure this level of portrayal will continue endlessly, Warcury will have zero questionable feats or moments of portrayal that would cause you to abandon him ignore Dorry and Broggy overpowering him, just as we saw with Saturn, your logic of wanking Saturn above Kaido was infallible and surely Warcury will end the exact same way.
Dorry and Broggy are peak high tiers/low top tiers.

They had higher bounties than Crocodile who they were introduced before.

Croc’s modern bounty is 2 billion.

Dorry and Broggy will also get updated bounties in the 2 billions.

There is a light year difference between getting pushed back by two low top tiers and going high diff with Ussop.
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