The SHs as chess pieces. Chopper is a pawn. Jimbe and Frankynare rooks. Sanji and Zoro are knights. Nami is the queen. Luffy is king. Hmmmmmm…
The best known system assigns 1 point to a pawn, 3 points to a knightor bishop, 5 points to a rook and 9 points to a queen. However, valuation systems provide only a rough guide and the true value of a piece is very position dependent.
As mentioned, each piece has a different value. It should come as no surprise that the piece values are directly tied to a piece's strength.
Nami, Jimbe, and Franky>Zoro and Sanji
The best known system assigns 1 point to a pawn, 3 points to a knightor bishop, 5 points to a rook and 9 points to a queen. However, valuation systems provide only a rough guide and the true value of a piece is very position dependent.
As mentioned, each piece has a different value. It should come as no surprise that the piece values are directly tied to a piece's strength.
Nami, Jimbe, and Franky>Zoro and Sanji