Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

Which Gorosei Will Zoro fight?

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It's funny see most insecure zoro haters here trying to pretend they are just as excited for the novel lmao
They have mastered the art of being chameleons:milaugh:
I didnt read the novels i learned today there was a law one :shocked: thought it only was ace
Dont watch the movies people recommend me some and i watch 10 minutes of the 12? movie and it was ass
Like i dont get the appeal of secondary material if the author is not writing it
The Gorosei are supposed to be above all the other top tiers, and they're catching hands from Bonney, Oimo, Kashi, Brook and Usopp? :willight:

I thought Mihawk clashing with Vista for 2 minutes was the ultimate anti-feat tho, my bad
SH pirates Emperor commanders Brook+Usopp isn't > no.4 of WB pirates Vista?

It looks like clowns forget when Luffy become Emperor, his main crew are now Emperor commanders just like Vista.
Just before i answer to you, im gonna be a gent and make it clear so there is no language barrier:
Are you saying every element an author introduces to the story is paid attention regardless and the same amount? Are you saying that? Cause if no i have no idea what you trying to convey
What I'm conveying is something easy to understand. MEITOS ARE IMPORTANT TO THE STORY.
  • The deuteragonist of OP to him meitos are important
  • introducing new characters over and over with meitos (keeping it consistent through out the story)
  • characters that are EoS have meitos (introducing that only strong warriors can use them)
saying something like "Oda doesn't care" is intellectually dishonest.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
Thats probably DF related, not Haki.

Luffy can tell the difference if it was Haki related.

Vs. Topman, he doesn't say that.
I don't know man. Both Luffy and Kaido hype up the Seiryuu's dragon scales being insanely durable. I can't see a boar fruit being more durable than the dragon fruit unless the "immortality" that the Gorosei have offers some kind of durability/Haki boost or some shit.
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