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Soo its impossible for you to see who got better feats? Seeing how you are biased af and all.
Everytime Zoro unleashes CoC some retard will bring up his swords, look at this absolute garbage take, i cant man LMAO
They both sneaked a Gorosei, Sanji is fast to do it by himself no named attack while carrying a dead body. Zoro needs a named attack throw from Jimbe to get there in time and even then Nusjuro reacted to him and redirected his sword to block him. There's no way in hell you saw that and still deny what Oda drew, also I didn't bring up the swords, it's literally written in the chapter. You zoro ***** always throw a melty whenever someone brings up his swords, how the fuck are we supposed to have discussions if you're this sensitive by an essential part of your favourite character? I don't see Luffy, Law or BB fans cry when you bring up their DFs, you bitch ass ***** need to grow up
And out of nowhere an entirely offtopic post that has nothing to do with the chapter with the sole purpose of saying Usopp deserves to be a vice captain above Zoro. Classic.
Usopp being made the vice captain has nothing to do with zoro
Usopp is his own character don’t need to be insecure about it. He’s just that guy

Brook birthday April 3rd - vice captain
Jimbe birthday April 2nd - vice captain
Usopp birthday April 1st -

Vice captain usopp
Chief of staff nami
Just listing roles we’re technically missing from the strawhats
Ship guard

Pirate apprentice

Vice captain and chief of staff

Personally imo
  1. Kuma in whatever shape he’s in would make an amazing ship guard. He was already doing it for 2 years during the timeskip
  2. Bonney as luffy’s apprentice. She’s young, looks up to Luffy, and strong enough to defend herself. Plus already like her interactions with the strawhats
  3. Usopp as vice captain and nami as chief of staff. They may not be as strong as zoro and sanji but I think they deserve it and are perfect for the roles
Luffy already agreed to Usopp being vice captain way way back in pre timeskip
Top man Isn't tougher than Nasujuro , that's your headcanon.
Zoro > Luffy in terms of AP have always been the case.
Zoro ain't gonna struggle like goofy
Sanji made nusjuro bleed
Top man is stronger
Completely random downplay topic about Zoro and Sanji not being the Vice Captain and Chief of Staff despite thousands of chapters of them acting like it.
The crew is more than zoro and sanji and that’s okay
He also protected and comanded what to do the very chapter.
Took decisions and everyone followed without a question , (they won't even do this luffy lmao)
But you miss out on zoro being a vice captain here
So have Sanji and nami this arc

  1. Originally planed as the vice captain
  2. Lied about it
  3. Luffy’s best friend
  4. Parallels buggy
Usopp being vice captain is inevitable
Sanji made nusjuro bleed
Top man is stronger

The crew is more than zoro and sanji and that’s okay

So have Sanji and nami this arc

  1. Originally planed as the vice captain
  2. Lied about it
  3. Luffy’s best friend
  4. Parallels buggy
Usopp being vice captain is inevitable
Let him vc
Who cares 🤣

When Zoro is stronger than the captain
Why be a VC
You're missing the whole scene.

Lucci didn't move from the spot. Jinbe punched the ground between them (made of clouds) and created a smoked screen to run away from Mars.
Jinbe, "I'm sorry Rob Lucci" and Lucci ends up in another location. FIshmen karate in alot of circumstances doesn't physically hit the opponent. Sure there was dust everywhere but Lucci was still blown to another location due to Jinbe's strike.
Jimbei is one of the most underrated characters in here and it's all because of agenda seekers.
If we follow the manga without bias, Jimbei is a very very high high tier, borderline top tier if not the case.
He has tons of experience, excellent haki and worked with multiple top tiers through his career.
One of the best allies the SHs could get l.
Not a top tier, but definitely a high tier. Could definitely give other tanky strong people like Queen a run for their money.

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
You’re overreacting, this progression of events will only make Kizaru’s character arc even more grand
He will show off at one point or another
I respect the optimism haha. Can't fault your faith/commitment at all. The pieces are definitely there for sure, i really do hope Oda let's him show off and go all out as he should. This really speaking should be what makes him take everything far more seriously and actually pick a side or at least stop holding back.

If he actually gets mad, as in mostly tranquil fury at least, I'd love to see that too.

Oda has to be saving logia awakenings for him too, I can't let go of that cope too. The coolest, greatest and most impactful awakening in more ways than one has to come soon.

Since the gorosei seem to be literal demons or at least demons by fruit, the idea of kizaru getting holy light as an awakening would be a perfect counter and very symbolically awesome.
Or even him just being their unexpected weakness, the one and ultimately biggest threat they didn't account for.

If this leads to Akainu (lmao i called him Akaiju) finally popping off, taking action and even doing a coup, I'll never slander Oda again too.

At least Wizaru actually brought back death amd made it matter, just like Wakainu getting the most important and thus named kills in the series.
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