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Vegapunk's message isn't quite over yet! I was half convinced that it was over, but we might still have a few chapters left to go in this arc. Oda skipped over the Will of D stuff, but we might get one last reveal out of this message yet!

I kind of feel bad for Yamato on the cover page.

It's good to see Gaimon again after so long. And Katakuri, too!

Bonney does have Nika's toon powers. But, she lacks Luffy's stamina that he's built up over the years. So, that's fair, I think. Her Fruit isn't too broken, I guess.

Kaku and Stussy having a fight is a little sad. Though, I do find Kaku's actions a little odd, here. And we still don't know why CP9 rejoined the World Government after the cover story where they went AWOL. Something going on here.

Atlas is going back to find Usopp and the others. And maybe Zoro at the same time. Well, I'll miss Atlas because that's a death flag, right there. Can't have too many Vegapunk's running around, I guess.

Warcury was about to jump into the water to ram the ship so it wouldn't get away. So, either that was a last-minute desperation move where he was willing to sacrifice himself. Or the Gorosei really aren't weak to water like Devil Fruit users all are. I don't know, the Gorosei all seem to be hesitating around the water, at least. No one's jumped in, yet. It would have been interesting to see what would have happened to Warcury.

And it seems like we finally get the Ancient Robot's name. Emeth! Fitting, since it's a reference to the real world legend about the Golem. The Golem from legends had the Jewish word "emeth" or "truth" written on it's forehead to make it turn on. And it'd only stop if you erased a letter from it's forehead so it said "meth" or "dead. Kind of fitting to name the Robot in this story after one of the most famous "robots" in myth and legends.

And Luffy's reaction to Emeth rocketing out of the water has me wondering, has the gag about Giant Robots in this manga actually been some sort of plot point all along? You know, the one where all the men find them cool, and all the women don't really get it? Is Emeth going to turn out to be the origin of this gag, somehow, once we finally find out the robot's backstory? I don't know how, but...we'll see.
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Sanji, Franky, and Bonney (Usopp will be added if he awakens coc) are the next “trio” after the strongest trio in history. (WSS,PK,SFM)

Sanji pretty much confirmed Bonney is joining the shs.
Zoro had nothing more or less than anyone else in skypeia.
Has the same amounts of fights as chopper, gets grounded by Eneru like Chopper and I would argue that Skypeia is the second arc where secondary characters take the spotlight, first is Bibi in alabasta second is Wyper and co in Skypeia.
Zoro fought and defeated a skypiean and a shandarian . No one but luffy did that what are you talking about ? Chopper got one fight and so did everyone else besides sanji and usopp and nami
Zoro fought and defeated a skypiean and a shandarian . No one but luffy did that what are you talking about ? Chopper got one fight and so did everyone else besides sanji and usopp and nami
Luffy fought everyone including Ener, wyper and the ball guy.
Sanji fought alongside Luffy against the ball guy. And was crucial in saving Nami by bringing her to safety so that Luffy could be with her and save the day by jumping from the waver.
Nami fought side by side with gan forr against the two goats with 4 dials, plus allowed Luffy to reach ener.
Chopper fought BOTH shura and gedatsu, two prophets or whatever they are called.
Robin fought fat guy and lore dumped.
We could argue only usopp was below the rest.
Luffy fought everyone including Ener, wyper and the ball guy.
Sanji fought alongside Luffy against the ball guy. And was crucial in saving Nami by bringing her to safety so that Luffy could be with her and save the day by jumping from the waver.
Nami fought side by side with gan forr against the two goats with 4 dials, plus allowed Luffy to reach ener.
Chopper fought BOTH shura and gedatsu, two prophets or whatever they are called.
Robin fought fat guy and lore dumped.
We could argue only usopp was below the rest.
So Sanji has one group fight ? Why are you bringing up other dumb shit ? You said zoro had the same amount of fights as everyone else and was wrong . Stay on topic you dumb fuck
So Sanji has one group fight ? Why are you bringing up other dumb shit ? You said zoro had the same amount of fights as everyone else and was wrong . Stay on topic you dumb fuck
But I just proved he had the same as Chopper. And the original claim eas not about fights.
Less than Luffy.
And if sanji counts as a group fight, also zoro vs ohm does.
Sorry that Zoro is not the protagonist, do you want some preparation H?
But I just proved he had the same as Chopper. And the original claim eas not about fights.
Less than Luffy.
And if sanji counts as a group fight, also zoro vs ohm does.
Sorry that Zoro is not the protagonist, do you want some preparation H?
Ohm was whooping everyone and only engaged with zoro . Zoro defeated both his opponents chopper didn’t how are they similar . Get off zoros nuts