Since it seems that the arc is really over now, time for some real talk:
What on earth was Oda's plan with Kizaru? Like wtf was he thinking?
Quick recap: Kizaru came in determined to stop the SHs from escaping, got ragdolled by G5 Luffy like it was nothing and then spent 30 chapters sleeping/being knocked down while nobody even cared for him anymore.
What was his actual purpose for crying out loud?
He wasn't the main villain - Saturn/Gorosei took that spot very quickly
He wasn't an ally either - did nothing to actually help anyone
I would understand it if Kizaru had a real purpose and his character arc was concluded in the Egghead finale (him buying time for the SHs and sacrificing himself or sth like that), but now it's just a huge nothing-burger.
So all in all Oda just wasted an admiral as a second tier antagonist and even gave him a piss poor portrayal.