This is pretty much the stupidest, dumbest, most imbecilic thing that Oda has ever written. It undermines the
entirety of the arc that Vegapunk knew who the traitor was and decided to erase his memory instead. Actual garbage!
- He doesn’t even try to come up with a contingency and just chooses to die? As if Dragon hasn’t been defying the WG for 20 years and is still breathing. As if the giants didn’t take all the research books from Ohara and are still breathing.
- They apparently have a stealth mode setting, or can even create fake memories, but they chose to wipe their minds instead?
Shaka & Pythagoras basically committed suicide by stupidity then.
- He knew or at least suspected that the WG was responsible for Lulusia (which should be no surprise considering Ohara), but he didn’t mention it in his speech.
He wanted the Strawhats to get the One Piece but didn’t outright support them either.
- He ignored the note to die until he roped in as many people as possible to share his fate. He exposed Stussy, Sentomaru (who may still be executed), Bonney and all the other residents of Egghead to danger and only luck saved them. That includes Nico Robin, the last survivor of Ohara that could even unlock all the mysteries.
- He could have broadcast the message without dying and tried to atone for his crimes, like scuttling the Mother Flame, taking out York, depriving them of the Seraphim, etc. That way he could simply fire back if the WG tried to spin things too.
This is all on top of being stupid enough to set up the bs hierarchy system for the Seraphim, or not ordering them to never harm a Vegapunk or making an override code. Or not telling Bonney about her command over the Pacifista from the get go.
I never thought I’d ever read anything so stupid in One Piece, yet here we are.
There needs to be an option for 0 stars