Who did More to capture Garp?

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Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Wtf I don't remember Higuma breaking a bottle on the God King's head, this has to be fake because Oda would never do this a Roger, joyboy level character! :shocked:
That was the real "Pranks" all along! The suspected Shanks imposter/twin brother or w/e! "God King Sneaks" probably killed him before Marineford and has replaced him now without anyone bar the WG knowing I guess?!

Or aparently that was the "world's strongest bottle"?! And God King tanked it and survived it with his superior, top 1, unrivalled haki?!

Sengoku’s orders.

This is what Akainu does to Yonko level pirates
Lakainu going there is Sengoku's orders as well, Lakainu didn't search the island asked his men instead and didn't want to follow BB after he was happy BB chose to retreat, look how Lakainu was unhappy when Luffy escaped, BB simply didn't want to fight Marines again in a useless island when he didn't even have a ship and his crew wanted to leave for a better island.

This is however not Sengoku's orders:


Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
"Dresses her up" is a bit of a stretch.
Just like how much her bra straps are stretching!

People asked for more female One Piece character growth for post TS and little did they know, they got "the wrong kind of character growth" post Tit Surgery!

Who cares about Namis backstory about her unknown lineage, being found as a toddler in that war torn Oykot Kingdom and her unexplained familiarity for Shirahoshi that feels from centuries ago potentially, her unexplained immense affinity for weather reading/sensing and whoever her parents were and why she was alone with Nojiko as a baby? Oda doesnt anyway! Hope for SBS Piece at best at this point!

I've always wanted Elbaf to be her arc along with Usopp's, but Egghead would have been amazing for her with all the tropical weather and thus weather systems on it, its sort of similarity to sky islands and thus her being a "weather/climate scientist" in a way. I also expected a lot for her in WCI storyline wise, potential links to Big Mom maybe or somehow her backstory would crop up or something idk but alas.

But given multiple princesses have her face and Oda will want to make Nami the most important woman in the entire story somehow, I'm sure he will reveal some nonsense last minute plot twist that will definitely not have any huge holes/issues and totally be planned/foreshadowed from the beginning.

Imu will probably want to marry Vivi as his Lily replacement and Loki is probs gonna want to marry Nami as per the spoilers this chapter too.

Oh Joy be upon us indeed...

And oh btw, if the SHs went to Raijin Island too as they were meant to originally, that could have been an interesting arc for Nami especially and a hilarious one with Luffy being immune to the lightning and Franky being terrified as he's mostly made of metal now ofc but alas....

Post automatically merged:

NGL if Lucci DID join somehow, not only would that be ironically hilarious in hindsight given Robin joined the SHs after what she did to Vivi and her country and Vivi was a former SH ofc and thus we would have Lucci joining after what he did to Robin lmfao.

Also if he did join, Oda would inevitably ruin him and make him barely exist, probably designated to something pointless, underwhelming and just filler like Jinbei becoming an Amazon employee.

That edit/meme is amazing though lmao. Tood amn good.
Just like how much her bra straps are stretching!

People asked for more female One Piece character growth for post TS and little did they know, they got "the wrong kind of character growth" post Tit Surgery!

Who cares about Namis backstory about her unknown lineage, being found as a toddler in that war torn Oykot Kingdom and her unexplained familiarity for Shirahoshi that feels from centuries ago potentially, her unexplained immense affinity for weather reading/sensing and whoever her parents were and why she was alone with Nojiko as a baby? Oda doesnt anyway! Hope for SBS Piece at best at this point!

I've always wanted Elbaf to be her arc along with Usopp's, but Egghead would have been amazing for her with all the tropical weather and thus weather systems on it, its sort of similarity to sky islands and thus her being a "weather/climate scientist" in a way. I also expected a lot for her in WCI storyline wise, potential links to Big Mom maybe or somehow her backstory would crop up or something idk but alas.

But given multiple princesses have her face and Oda will want to make Nami the most important woman in the entire story somehow, I'm sure he will reveal some nonsense last minute plot twist that will definitely not have any huge holes/issues and totally be planned/foreshadowed from the beginning.

Imu will probably want to marry Vivi as his Lily replacement and Loki is probs gonna want to marry Nami as per the spoilers this chapter too.

Oh Joy be upon us indeed...

And oh btw, if the SHs went to Raijin Island too as they were meant to originally, that could have been an interesting arc for Nami especially and a hilarious one with Luffy being immune to the lightning and Franky being terrified as he's mostly made of metal now ofc but alas....

“Hope for an SBS”

^my reaction when I realise this is inside the realm of possibility

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
“Hope for an SBS”

^my reaction when I realise this is inside the realm of possibility
Lmfao right?! As a Kidd, Zoro and Franky fan as well as Nami fan too, the PAIN is real!

But out of these 4, Nami has the highest chance of being plot relevant and always has been, but especially now so too. She's gonna be needed to find Laugh Tale regardless ofc.
Plus if she accomplishes her dream, she gets to benefit the entire world from the map she will produce too and reveal a lot more about it to everyone.
sure but SHanks is luffy role model he literally copied his way of behaving based on him so its weird that shanks is like .
WHite flag ???
everyone FIRE !!!! I don't want anyone alive !!

Luffy : White flag ?
OK cool have a nice day .
Luffy copied what he saw. He never saw this situation of Shanks dealing with surrendered enemies.


But other aspects were not modeled after Shanks

For example Shanks never once told Luffy that he wants the one piece… Remember that… because shanks never wanted the one piece

Luffy came up with wanting the one piece from somewhere else outside of Shanks.

Same as that secret dream that Luffy has that is the same as Roger’s dream… We know that as well never came from Shanks

So, again, these guys aren’t supposed to be one to one of each other, they are just in a similar “bracket” of pirate
Lmfao right?! As a Kidd, Zoro and Franky fan as well as Nami fan too, the PAIN is real!

But out of these 4, Nami has the highest chance of being plot relevant and always has been, but especially now so too. She's gonna be needed to find Laugh Tale regardless ofc.
Plus if she accomplishes her dream, she gets to benefit the entire world from the map she will produce too and reveal a lot more about it to everyone.
Honestly I expect nothing moving forward, I’m just too far in to quit. With laugh tale, I think it’ll just be a case of getting the last poneglyph from the man marked by flames, then dealing with any trouble on the way if they encounter enemies. The importance of navigating has continued to diminish over the years
Just like how much her bra straps are stretching!

People asked for more female One Piece character growth for post TS and little did they know, they got "the wrong kind of character growth" post Tit Surgery!

Who cares about Namis backstory about her unknown lineage, being found as a toddler in that war torn Oykot Kingdom and her unexplained familiarity for Shirahoshi that feels from centuries ago potentially, her unexplained immense affinity for weather reading/sensing and whoever her parents were and why she was alone with Nojiko as a baby? Oda doesnt anyway! Hope for SBS Piece at best at this point!

I've always wanted Elbaf to be her arc along with Usopp's, but Egghead would have been amazing for her with all the tropical weather and thus weather systems on it, its sort of similarity to sky islands and thus her being a "weather/climate scientist" in a way. I also expected a lot for her in WCI storyline wise, potential links to Big Mom maybe or somehow her backstory would crop up or something idk but alas.

But given multiple princesses have her face and Oda will want to make Nami the most important woman in the entire story somehow, I'm sure he will reveal some nonsense last minute plot twist that will definitely not have any huge holes/issues and totally be planned/foreshadowed from the beginning.

Imu will probably want to marry Vivi as his Lily replacement and Loki is probs gonna want to marry Nami as per the spoilers this chapter too.

Oh Joy be upon us indeed...

And oh btw, if the SHs went to Raijin Island too as they were meant to originally, that could have been an interesting arc for Nami especially and a hilarious one with Luffy being immune to the lightning and Franky being terrified as he's mostly made of metal now ofc but alas....

Post automatically merged:

NGL if Lucci DID join somehow, not only would that be ironically hilarious in hindsight given Robin joined the SHs after what she did to Vivi and her country and Vivi was a former SH ofc and thus we would have Lucci joining after what he did to Robin lmfao.

Also if he did join, Oda would inevitably ruin him and make him barely exist, probably designated to something pointless, underwhelming and just filler like Jinbei becoming an Amazon employee.

That edit/meme is amazing though lmao. Tood amn good.
Lanji feeding her hormones.

^my reaction when I realise this is inside the realm of possibility

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Honestly I expect nothing moving forward, I’m just too far in to quit. With laugh tale, I think it’ll just be a case of getting the last poneglyph from the man marked by flames, then dealing with any trouble on the way if they encounter enemies. The importance of navigating has continued to diminish over the years
Completley understandable, I feel like Film Gold was Namis movie and what we should have gotten in-story. Well technically Strong World was her movie too, so thats two movies at least centering around her!

Yeah thats true, I remember at the beginning of post TS when it still mattered but now they are conveniently led to the next islands or forced there by one way or another.

That moment in WCI where they were dealing with the BM pirates on sea and Nami having to take over the crew in the beginning of the arc and cook when Luffy got poisoned were nice.

But its breadcrumbs at best and aside from some moments in Punk Hazard, Wano/Onigashima and WCI, I cant think of that much for Nami which is insane given we're like 14 years into the post TS now and Usopp has been BRUTALLY neglected for 10 years of that, so MOST of it too ofc! Although the same can be said for most SHs even maybe ofc.

I really missed when One Piece focused on the SHs primarily and their actual adventure, it wasnt some heavy political/government focused series, there was politics ofc but it wasnt so ham fisted as it is now, where everything revolves around the world government ultimately.

Pre TS is like a completely different series and each SH was so layered, so charming, had amazing character development and writing and thats all gone now imo except some moments here and there post TS for most but not all of them either.

Me and my friends have to rely on fanfiction/art and our own ideas and creations to compensate extremely hard for what Oda doesn't do for the SHs now and may never do, especially in the cases of Zoro and his family for example or Ryuuma's grave and such.

As you said, we're too far in to quit now, too close to the end yet ironically so far with how much Oda keeps dragging out this story anyway and its a "sunk cost fallacy" too (ironically fitting name too), we just have to take whatever we get now and pray Oda feels generous at some point at least.

I remember seeing a lot of criticisms how little the SHs dreams matter anymore and how they barely matter as characters anymore, the show is no longer about them and they are just vehicles/plot devices rather than amazingly layered, fascinating, charming, hilarious individuals who are like the traditional/naval pirates version of the guardians of the galaxy, a real motley crew/found family of the weirdest yet most awesome, bravest, caring individuals who love and respect one another and would die for one another too if needed.

I only see remnants of that post TS at best. WCI was the best arc for me in that it focused so much on Sanjis relation with the SHs and they went through HELL just to try to get him back, seeing Nami suffering like that again was so hard, but it was even worse at Onigashima too ofc and Luffy almost lost his arms in desperation just to try get Sanji back, told him he couldnt be pirate king without him and almost died literally trying to get him to come back!

WCI felt like a pre TS arc, especially a mix of Arlong Park and Water 7. For a while, it felt like classic One Piece again, whilst it lasted and Nami played such a wonderfully pivotal role in that arc too even if it wasnt as much as we liked and in the ways we wanted too. But its the best we've had post TS by far and probably the best we're gonna get until the series ends and even beyond that too probably, sadly.

I have as slim hope that there's gonna be a space arc and since Nami is meant to be Swedish, that Birka is Swedish and Oda keeps trying to insist she would get Enel's fruit if she got one, I feel Enel finding the original/true Birka on the moon or whatever is going on, means Oda has something big planned for both him and Nami somehow and hence why he keeps making Nami a lightning spammer.

I always thought she will have personal relevance to Uranus though, a weather based weapon but One Piece's Odyssey game already has a weather based equivalent of an ancient weapon IIRC so that rules that out, plus Uranus seems to be what Imu destroyed Lulusia with too ofc.

Sorry I'm rambling on a lot here, I used to talk a lot with Nami fans on here in the past about our ideas, hopes/wishes, theories for Nami and also back on Oro Jackson in the day but its frustrating to see how Oda is writing her now. It really is.

I do feel you are right about navigating too. When the eternal log pose came up in Stampede, I cringed as it felt like such a convenient plot device, a cop out but thankfully luffy destroyed it and there is no canon one as far as we know so far ofc.

At least we got to see some of that early One Piece glory with Nami and the others in the live action too. I remember how important Nami was around Reverse Mountain too and Skypeia too IIRC. We really had it great back then.
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