Who did More to capture Garp?

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The only one who can beat me is me
I just don't understand how people read this story for 1000 chapters and still not realize BB pirates are bizarro SH. BB crew not surpose to look invincible now. They grew with the SH. Van auger still talking about mastering his fruit. They get stronger along with story. They are not Shanks, Kaido, Imu, BM. They all just got their fruits. They all improving still.
Yea but final fights for Zoro and Sanji is a tough sell, when you have Imu working with the Gorosei.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Funnily enough Luffy Pizzaing Kizaru is the one with the biggest asterisk beside it, moreso than the other moments. It's probably the one which actually doesn't mean anything portrayalwise. Kizaru was depressed and needed to sit the rest of the arc out.

Shanks haki blast to Greenbull definitely means something, and Shanks definitely looked superior in that moment. Did Greenbull's personality help? Ofcourse.
Wasnt Kizaru going to go after the straw hats and the rest of the Vegapunks and Luffy stopped him
And Saturn?

I mean sure Kizaru was shaken by killing VP but it still a good feat imo.

Yeah GBs personality helped a lot because he was making crazy reactions to Momo and Raizos attacks.
BBs crew was frozen so he couldnt have used his Gura plus hes the type of guy that wants to recruit strong guys first before throwing hands if they say no. Look no further then Ace.

Youre using Luffy looking concerned that someone strong randomly popped up to say Kizaru looked superior, this is nitpicky. You know damn well that Luffy isnt afraid of anything or anybody even if hes weaker then them. Hes concerned here because like I said someone strong randomly popped up in the island and he has a crew and the vegapunks who he promised to protect.

Strong feat but WB was weakening by that point.

He was even weaker against Kizaru.

Im not looking to turn this into a debate but just saying my two cents.
Using luffy looking concerned is funny when just a chapter later he was attacking him smiling and then a few chapters more semi KO in a hit.
When it comes to feats i don't know why people is look so deep into this shit all groups have feats good and bad .
The level of head cannon and nitpicking that is go into shit on here is crazy levels .

As for chapter
yeah bart , shanks was in front a full town your ship had to get sunk lmao .
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