ONE PIECE, CHAPTER 1126: Taking Responsibility

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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
So Lafittes station definitely confirmed that he told the BB pirates about Saturn. I wonder what his “preparations” were for though?

It has to relate to why they took Saturns image.
Blackbeard is planning to attack and destroy the Red Line using the Gura Gura to cause a tsunami that will take down Mary Geoise and also take out Marineford.

Caribou is going to tell Teach about Poseidon, and Catarina will turn into Luffy during the attack (Augur gave Luffy the food, and Devon took Luffy's form in Egghead, because Teach wants to use Luffy, just like Shanks is), so that Catarina can help steal Shirahoshi while the Red Line collapses onto and destroys Fish-Man Island

Teach destroys Mary Geoise, one of Luffy's territories, and gets an Ancient Weapon.

Shyarly predicted Luffy destroying Fish-Man Island: this would fit that.

Also I love the idea of Teach taking Celestial Dragon's hostage. Great way to fuck with Mary Geoise.
I really don't like how small new world is. Everyone reaches everywhere in a span of a day or two.

Pirate island two days from Egghead
Elbaf 1 day from Eggghead
Winner island 3 days from Pirate Island .

Zou was the only island far away right now because it moves.

Fucking Punk hazard that they only reached through sheer luck apparently was close to Raijin.island considering how fast smoker reached them .. so Dressrosa from Raijin is also a day or two away max from Rajin island.
I was not expecting Legoland. Merphy Napier's going to be so excited.

I'm guessing this is Loki's doing. I feel like Lego-powers fit someone named "Loki", it's a suitably playful power. Since Nami was drunk on Green Fairy Absinthe there's every possibility she agreed to marry him while drunk. Probably saw him as a giant pile of coins or something. Honestly, I'm expecting to feel bad for Loki. Guy just has the worst luck in love.

Shanks is really giving us some mixed signals. He lets Bart go, then blows him up later. It feels unnecessary. But, the foreshadowing with Shanks blowing up the Going Luffy-senpai is on point. Chances are we're heading towards a Shanks v Luffy fight sometime down the road.

Seems like some of Kuma is still in there. I'm just glad that Bonney and Kuma seem to be happy.

We finally got to find out where in the world Lafitte is! Not where I guessed, but it's a good place to keep a spy.

And it looks like Blackbeard may be making a move on Mariejois one way or another. I'm guessing he'll end up helping the Celestial Dragons to get on their good side. Which means, we might end up seeing Blackbeard v Dragon during this arc!
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Lurking is fun but I want to throw one more log on the fire before going back to lurking.

I seen some comments about a swordsman having a Squard level feat. Squard straight up stabbed Whitebeard no tricks or anything. Shiryu while invisible attacked Koby and Garp threw himself in the way. Dirty? Yes. Effective? Yes. But this was not a Squard level feat🤣.
It’s weird cause the hallucination part at the start of the chapter means it totally must come into play

idk if she is hallucinating Luffy telling her to wake up? Or she is hallucinating this Asgard Lego castle in a dream and Luffy and the rest are in the real world. Or of it’s connected to the powers of the man marked by flames
A lot of good ideas out there in such a small amount of time. People are really getting creative with the current Situation of the straw hats. Most people seem to agree on that it's either still a hallucination, some Giants dressed them up in Elbaf attire and put them in a oversized "toy house" for their children to play with them, or that the man marked by flames was involved in this. At least responsible for the disappearance of the Sunny.

But the man marked by flames might not even be involved in here. Loki could be the culprit, as the trickster-God who is also known as a shape-shifter he also appears as a "Salmon" in different Sources.

That would fit what Robin said, that maybe a fish just swallowed them. Wouldn't be the first time we saw something like that happened. I know it was probably just robins dark humor.


As for the voice that is calling Nami here, is it Luffy? We might get a clue from the official translation, perhaps even, if Nami is still "hallucinating or not"

Whatever it will be, I am so ready. I hope next week's chapter will be similarly good with a cliffhanger that keeps us speculating even more, for the break week.

I am so pissed no one saw this... Finally the underworld connections start to flow and people here licking swords as always...

So dissapointed no one saw it.
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@SDfear you lied to me btw... :josad:
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Blackbeard is planning to attack and destroy the Red Line using the Gura Gura to cause a tsunami that will take down Mary Geoise and also take out Marineford.

Caribou is going to tell Teach about Poseidon, and Catarina will turn into Luffy during the attack (Augur gave Luffy the food, and Devon took Luffy's form in Egghead, because Teach wants to use Luffy, just like Shanks is), so that Catarina can help steal Shirahoshi while the Red Line collapses onto and destroys Fish-Man Island

Teach destroys Mary Geoise, one of Luffy's territories, and gets an Ancient Weapon.

Shyarly predicted Luffy destroying Fish-Man Island: this would fit that.

Also I love the idea of Teach taking Celestial Dragon's hostage. Great way to fuck with Mary Geoise.
I believe you may need one more thing to factor into this.

Catarina as Saturn.
I think she may be able to fool the common folk or even the CDs but its not gonna work on the Gorosei and Imu.