ONE PIECE, CHAPTER 1126: Taking Responsibility

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BB was the one that got rolled over like a joint by Bepo of all people. LMFAO.

Kuzan the one that needed half a yonko crew to extreme diff old man Garp that even pre ts Luffy was able to punch away :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:

Kuzan gets beheaded by a single divine departure and BB gets chopped into pieces before he can run away in fear :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:
Wuzan the Goat

Fought Garp the Fist. Took his all out punches to the chin and even after only 2 days of rest he is completely bandage free even though he was previously wrapped up like a mummy.

TCB confirms Kuzan going all out and barely defeating Garp is fake news.

Come in bois. We won. @Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @Extravlad @ZenZu @MonochromeYoru

Pissryu agenda finished😂😂😂😂😂
@HA001 @L57 @Topi Jerami

Kaido needs an entire week and is still bandaged up after Togen totsuka.
Is Kuzan now the new durability monster ?
@MonsterKaido @Hanzo hattori
What the fuck are u smoking dude? Didnt you just read the chapter? It was stated as a team effort meaning it took kuzan, shiryu and 3 more commanders + blackbeard pirates just to take him down! Garp is a monster on his own! Luzan is just a mere punching bag without the help of others! Luzan would never win against garp in a 1 vs 1!
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Assmiral turds level of comprehension is so fucking low 🤦
Nami & others are probably already on Elbaf because Nami already is wearing viking clothes and if that was Burned Man with scar, he wouldn't change her outfit similar to Giants
Someone took them there, my guess if was Eagle or something
Nami & others are probably already on Elbaf because Nami already is wearing viking clothes and if that was Burned Man with scar, he wouldn't change her outfit similar to Giants
Someone took them there, my guess if was Eagle or something
We won’t get the final poneglyph till post elbaf then

That doesnt make sense
So, what's the CHAD AMIRALS schedule like? Imagine going all out and only needing help for Old Garp, we're not even talking about Prime Garp, the monster and hero that Kaidou can beat.

I didn't think the PK level would be that high, but here we have OLD GARP ~ Strongest admiral of this era, Prime Garp > abyss > Aokiji
Why not? but he could still be present in Elbaf arc or arrive there and we don't know if he has any connection to Elbaf or Giants/Loki
Because the main thing about the man marked by flames we know is that his connection is tied to black ship and sinking ships

If we suddenly meet him on Land then that whole idea becomes Mute
So, what's the CHAD AMIRALS schedule like? Imagine going all out and only needing help for Old Garp, we're not even talking about Prime Garp, the monster and hero that Kaidou can beat.

I didn't think the PK level would be that high, but here we have OLD GARP ~ Strongest admiral of this era, Prime Garp > abyss > Aokiji
Aokiji is a failled version of garp, coby potential is much higher. the admirals are not in my top tier list anymore they are just elite high tier and need help vs the yonko (the very strongest) and the only yonko equivalent in admiral side is the fleet admiral. Admiral are glorified commenders and aokiji being included with commenders in blackbeard force prove it. once why they never defeated a healthy yc1.
Aokiji is a failled version of garp, coby potential is much higher. the admirals are not in my top tier list anymore they are just elite high tier and need help vs the yonko (the very strongest) and the only yonko equivalent in admiral side is the fleet admiral. Admiral are glorified commenders and aokiji being included with commenders in blackbeard force prove it. once why they never defeated a healthy yc1.
My brother, when will they understand that Haoshoku users are above those failed power rangers without Conqueror's Haki (COC)?

Kaidou, Roger, Garp, Oden, Shanks, Mihawk — they are all monsters, with Kaidou proving himself to be the greatest absolute monster in this manga