ONE PIECE, CHAPTER 1126: Taking Responsibility

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BB has a special interest for Mariejois. I wonder why.

Maybe he knows something about the location of the One Piece or the ancient weapons. The question is what role will Garp play in all of this since he despises celestial dragons. Maybe this is where Dragon comes in.
Really enjoyed that chapter. Fun Strawhat stuff, Blackbeard plotting and Red Hair ruthlessness is all what I look for

The Bonney Kuma page was a nice cap to their Egghead story

I donโ€™t for a second think that any of the Barto pirates have actually been killed (no point going through the test, letting them go all to blow them up) but they have been punished for what they did. Also, Yassop > Kid, doesnโ€™t need his ultimate attack to blow up a ship

Blackbeard plotting to inflitrate Mariejois stepping up a notch with Lafitte being on guard there. The Saturn death might end up screwing them though, when they attempt to copy him. Will depend if Saturnโ€™s death gets covered up.

Donโ€™t know if the lego house Nami is in is a hallucination or not.
The Lego house Nami is in is essentially a giant's toy, and she was placed inside, is my guess.
What if Kuzan and Garp are working together? How can you not kill someone you pretend to kill having him prisoner? I would say that Garp was informed by Kuzan about the kidnapping of Coby before Helmeppo asked for help. I don't buy Kuzan being a pirate or at least not as a BB underling, he would go solo as Mihawk used to... I think he's part of sword and is trying to get BB trust, I think BB doesn't buy it either but he can use him meanwhile so he takes the risk, Well I don't think he trusts anyone in his own crew anyway, so one more can't make a difference...

Garp the Fist

What if Kuzan and Garp are working together? How can you not kill someone you pretend to kill having him prisoner? I would say that Garp was informed by Kuzan about the kidnapping of Coby before Helmeppo asked for help. I don't buy Kuzan being a pirate or at least not as a BB underling, he would go solo as Mihawk used to... I think he's part of sword and is trying to get BB trust, I think BB doesn't buy it either but he can use him meanwhile so he takes the risk, Well I don't think he trusts anyone in his own crew anyway, so one more can't make a difference...
Kuzan might be a good enough actor to pull this off but I donโ€™t see Garp being able to.

But in general I do think that itโ€™s true that Blackbeard and Kuzan both know that Kuzan is playing his own game, neither actually trust each other but they are happy for now because it fits both their plans.