ONE PIECE, CHAPTER 1126: Taking Responsibility

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Shiryu weakened Garp with a sneak attack, Kuzan was taking him head on afterwards. Obviously, Harp is a beast who was going toe to toe with Roger in his prime, for reference, Rayleigh's reputation from his prime made Teach retreat. Teach for a reason applauded Kuzan. Kuzan said he ideally would've killed Garp, but it's not like he didn't have a free shot against a frozen, fragile garp. Could've just given him a bullet to the head instead of chaining him up.

Why are Pisshawk fans talking though?

Because every single agenda is crumbling over their heads
We still haven’t seen what’s in Aokiji’s arsenal that gave a frostbite to a magma admiral, yet here is Garp chained up with Kuzan clean
They try to take Kuzan’s words literally even though he’s obviously lying, but they ignore Garp stating how Kuzan is wavering twice

Pisshawk fandom has nothing to lose at this point
Can’t see it being Bege’s castle. Why would Lola/Chiffon go to the home country of the king that Lola rejected, causing the whole chain of events where BM started despising them both?
My guess is they’re in Beges castle which Bege changed to look more child friendly cause of his kid and the woman who’s calling Namis name and changed her is Lola.
This was my first thought too before I saw the lego. I didnt consider that he changed the look.
Thought doesn't really explain why and how they disappeared
This was my first thought too before I saw the lego. I didnt consider that he changed the look.
Thought doesn't really explain why and how they disappeared
Probably a whirlpool that Nami woke up this group to help her navigate the Sunny out of before the force of the whirlpool and the giant ship capsizes it?

Zoro shouldn’t have gotten wasted so makes sense why he’d help, Sanji would’ve woken up once Nami was in danger, Luffy as the captain would’ve been woken up so Zoro had permission to cut sunny away from the Erik, Chopper is too young to drink alcohol so he wouldn’t have drank any so he’d help, and Usopp probably just got unlucky.
Why are zorobros hyping shiryu.... He is a disgrace like aramaki and not someone worth for zoro to even take a look at.....He even has that shitty DF which rats like sanji and abasalom need. :kayneshrug:
Tbh i think that's is inevitable

First, they are friends

Second, Kuzan is too strong, the rhp need all the help that they can find
Yeah I think oda set that up to by saying Dory and Brogy are going back to little garden, meaning Oda already wrote a way for Dory and Brogy to leave the Elbaf arc so they can join shanks for this fight.
@Kurozumi Wiwi Nami is sweedish. Birka is in sweden.
Birka is also two place in op: (1) a city in the moon; (2) enel's hometown

Gan Fall told about the existence of another and safe entrance to the sky island. He is referring to Elbaf's tree.
The costumes of Birka in real life is Viking's costume. Elbaf's costumes are viking like. Why Enel wanted to become a god, why he removed his wings and why he put drums in his backs?
Because he lived in Birka, above Elbaf and know about the myth of god Nika. Enel removed his wings and put thr drums of liberstion because he wanted to become like Nika.

We don't know where Nami born. She is from which Birka? Moon's Birka or Sky Island Birka?
Nami doesnt have wings, so she is not from sky islands. Enel chose btw all people Nami to go with him to the moon. I believe Nami born in the moon. And I also believe she is the certain "princess of the moon", a song that Hyiori plays along Wano arc. That song is not a Wano song. Oden said he never heard that song before. So who taught Hyori about that song? Toki, of course. Toki is from void century and her surname "Amatsuki" means heaven moon.

I think people from Birka's moon didnt have wings. So Nami could be from there
*Its also important to note that this Birka moon is much older than the sky island

So Elbaf, Birka, Moon, Nami, Enel and Nika are all connected
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Yeah I think oda set that up to by saying Dory and Brogy are going back to little garden, meaning Oda already wrote a way for Dory and Brogy to leave the Elbaf arc so they can join shanks for this fight.
The only way to make them stay at elbaf is to introduce a worst menace for elbaf, for example a massive attack by the navy

Or maybe shanks vs teach will happen at elbaf, idk
Shiryu W is all that matters. BB confirms that GArp's monster. He couldn't have been captured [even by a bloodlusted Luzan], had Shiryu not mortally wounded him.
My guess is they’re in Beges castle which Bege changed to look more child friendly cause of his kid and the woman who’s calling Namis name and changed her is Lola.
At first I thought that would be pretty random, but then I remembered the Loki/Lola connection.

And then I realized that Neo-Mads could be a part of this because of Lilith and the Vegapunk connection. And then I remembered that one time Carrot took an interest in the giants and Elbaf.

WCI gang reunion?