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Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
BM conqueror of a village or Kaido conqueror of 3 worlds? :hohoho:
Kaido and the new era of Ragnarok
by u/snake_case_name in OnePiece

From the post above:

Kaidos last attack on Luffy was called Ragnarök. Ragnarök is an event in Norse mythology that translates to "fate of the gods". In this event, many of the gods die and the nine worlds of the Norse cosmos held in the branches of Yggdrasil are consumed by fire. (source: )

  • As shown in Skypia, Luffy is a natural enemy of god (Enel (who is on the moon now))

OnePiece chapter 279

  • This repeats in Dressrosa / The D clan is the natural enemy of gods"

Chapter 790

Thats why Luffy will survive this attack but it will usher in a new era of Ragnarök, that seals the fate of gods of the One Piece world: The celestial Dragons.

Ragnarok will be portended by a series of omens, such as a bitterly cold winter that never ends, and mankind’s descent into war. According to legend the apocalypse will start in earnest when Skoll and Hati, children of the mighty wolf Fenrir, catch and devour the sun and moon, plunging the world into darkness.

The Straw hats are bringers of the dawn, with their ship the thousands sunny.

Yamato explicitly stating she believes in the Dawn in Chapter 996.

More light-strawhat connections are shown in this video by mrmorji:

Dawn represents the transition of night(associated with winter, thrift) into day(summer, abundance). But before sunrise there has to be a final struggle in the night/dark winter, the final war. Ragnarok begins this new age of carnage/violence but with Luffy at the front, not planned for by Kaido.

Kaido abusing Luffy with Ragnarok club, Chapter 1009.

Kaidos dream, a final war. Chapter 997.

She was a pirate captain pre rocks. We don’t know of anyone besides streusen at the moment

It’s extremely obvious hajrudin and his crew are the best of the new generation of giants
Okay nice Loki was fodder too back then

Nobody said she defeated all of elbaf herself. Tho even then a top tier being able to defeat them isn’t crazy when the strongest giants we know of were dorry and brogy who weren’t even there
If she was in elbaf she could haven just gone to steal it
She was a pirate alongside streusen was all that was stated. She didn’t have a large crew prior to her family.

Yes an island of Joyboy and Nika worshippers haven’t given a shit about their poneglyph getting stolen despite Joyboy literally being their god…

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
What is truly(do not get offended) idiotic is that many of you are fanboying Shiki,like many were fanboying ZKK.And you won't accept anything other.You do not speak from neutral point of view,but from your selfish point.Most of you,not all.

So fucking boring "evil type of pirate " called Shiki will bring fucking hell in 20 years.And our good boy Crocus is sitting and cheering drinks with that guy? Do you already see what the fuck are you talking about?
Yes,but he admired Roger,he was there to pay respect.
No,he admired Roger's power and title,as he was pirate himself,and it was low point for him for Roger(Pirate fucking King) to be taken as slave by Wg.
And what the fucking boring plot from such artist as Oda is would be to bring new introduction to already introduced character?SO FUCKING BORING.
And what the fuck can Luffy and co,and we gain from Shiki( we get fucking Rox flashback).Lol you will make 100001 points just so it sounds cool in your brain.
And why is Scoper Gaban important? (don't get me wrong,im neutral,let it be who it will be).
But he is fucking imporant,not because i choose to,but Oda gave us Crocus,Gave us Rayleigh,Luffy is the man who has same dream and will as Roger.
He can give some info about Laugh Tale,maybe even poneglyph.He is not there existing just cauase he is cool to you from New fucking World movie.He is actually important in Oda's way of things.He will be the 3.and last stop of old Roger's pirates before Laugh tale.
So what makes sense,that fucking evil non imporant,and truly boring pirate would sit and drink with Crocus,pirate that will BRING HELL sitting with man that has KIND HEART,and that man is smiling with him?
Or could it be fucking old Roger's pirate that just heard from Crocus that Luffy was there,and that he has charisma,and even fucking Labbon with Flag is there,and even fucking Newspapers (probably about Luffy).What makes more sense?
I don't give a fuck even if that is that Louis guy or whoever.But i truly hate when i see bunch of people making points from their fanboying point of view,with no logic behind.Crocus is fucking happy on that cover story,and he could never be happy with evil minded pirate,and speccialy not with one who has plans to BRING HELL.
ye,but "shiiki is cool you know.." "please i hope Uta will come"
Wishes are wishes.I hope you will get both,i hope it is fucking Shiki then,so just you all can be happy.
But Uta and Shiki are actually so not fucking important to story AT ALL.But at all.And story is at it's end point.
Trying to not to be a fucking scizo over the Internet (Challenge impossible)
At this Point how can you not be ashamed to call yourself a "Sanji fan"

I really wish from the bottom of my Heart that Oda gets a change of heart and goes into Gege Mode and kills off some Strawhats. A waste Panel Space that pervert piece of shit :pepeclown:
She was a pirate alongside streusen was all that was stated. She didn’t have a large crew prior to her family.

Yes an island of Joyboy and Nika worshippers haven’t given a shit about their poneglyph getting stolen despite Joyboy literally being their god…
She had a crew and was a captain non the less. Obviously it wasn’t as big as it is now

? They hate Linlin
She’s fucked them over multiple times. Her taking their poneglyph is just one of many ways she’s done it
She had a crew and was a captain non the less. Obviously it wasn’t as big as it is now

? They hate Linlin
She’s fucked them over multiple times. Her taking their poneglyph is just one of many ways she’s done it
They hate linlin because of mother Carmel and Jorul that’s been long established.

If she also stole their glyph, that would’ve come up. It’s more likely WCI just had a glyph before she conquered it
In the past
They hate linlin because of mother Carmel and Jorul that’s been long established.

If she also stole their glyph, that would’ve come up. It’s more likely WCI just had a glyph before she conquered it
And her not going through with the wedding that was supposed to end their beef. Again she’s fucked shit up multiple times for them

Wci was a nothing island before she transformed it and the surrounding area. Why would a random island with no one protecting it have a whole road poneglyph
In the past

And her not going through with the wedding that was supposed to end their beef. Again she’s fucked shit up multiple times for them

Wci was a nothing island before she transformed it and the surrounding area. Why would a random island with no one protecting it have a whole road poneglyph
We literally don’t know the past of WCI. Fishman Island is basically a nothing island with no one protecting it?
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