One Piece Chapter 1139 : “The Mountain Eater”

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Ready for the accusations of sour grapes, but this chapter really just confirmed all the issues I have with Gaban coming back as a wise mentor character. Just been done before.

We got the generic “oh, this guy is just like Roger” flashback that we’ve already seen a billion times. And Oda’s saying Gaban is old gen Sanji with all the subtlety of a brick, and with the worst part of Sanji’s personality. We didn’t need Ray introduced getting lost and someone saying “LOOK IT’S OLD ZORO”.

And then we have the dumb test. We are long past the stage of anyone thinking that Luffy needs “tested”. Ray didn’t feel he even needed to test Luffy and that was years ago when luffy was a comparative weakling. The resemblemce to Roger was enough, not his strength. Now Gaban already knows that Luffy defeated Kaido and he’s still doing it? How strong does he think Loki is lol?

And in general, if you have characters called Gold, Silver and Copper (Bronze), I really don’t think it makes much sense to spend like fifteen years going into Gold and Silver in detail, then finally go ”but the number three guy, I’ve spent next to no time on, he’s cool as well.” There’s a reason why the OP fights always go Sanji first, then Zoro, then finally Luffy. It makes more dramatic sense.

Gaban has a cool design, though, Oda does usually do well with his cool old men. The scar is a bit marked with flame looking, but no real link to the black ship and the whirlpool so far. And I did find the trolling of him liking when other people get into trouble funny.
Gaban wasn't needed, yet this is one of the most hyped chapters of Onepiece. Forum got revived with so much activity again.

As for testing Luffy, he's acting overconfident about letting Loki free when it could cause issues to many in Elbaf. Might be a short challenge to humble him down a little, or to teach him/entrust something.
Bruh let it go.

You are acting like we have anything to lose. Infact, we gained... Equal footing with Luffy.

Only fandom which actually lost is Luffy fandom lmao

So sanji bros and Zoro bros should unite to duck on that nika fandom who thought Luffy by EoS can neg diff whole crew lmao
who is we i thouiht you said a second ago you are sanji fan???
Adding it here since the spoilers thread is closed lol

This is neutral for zoro fans since Rayleigh was also stated equal to roger

the L and W balance each other ,
But for rupee fans ? The absolute worst chapter cause luffy was dragged to the bottom with wingsu debates
I would have agreed, if certain sections of Zoro fanbase didn't bend over backwards to pretend that Gaban would've been irrelevant.
This doesn't even have anything to do with the mysterious figure in Elbaf being Gaban, it could or couldn't have been him. But just pretending that Gaban would amount to nothing when he was the only other Roger pirate name dropped in Oden flashback was just big copium lol.

But objectively, yes. It's should've been neutral to Zoro fans, cause L and W theoretically balance out.
The hard agenda pushing made it otherwise.

It's a bigger L for Luffy fans for sure though. After all these attempts to drag down Zoro to Sanji level, turns out Luffy himself got dragged as well lmao

Yep, just like Oda would divide the crew like that with the monster trio in S tier since he isn't a powerscaling nerd.
Oda does care about powerscaling though. Any successful battle shounen authors should, because powerscaling forms an integral part

He just isn't a giga nerd about it who micro analyze everything. This is why portrayal and intent also matters.

But Oda still cares about power levels to an extend.
I think, at least at the moment, there is a significant gap between Luffy/Zoro and between Zoro/Sanji, and that this is author intention. Kaido was stronger than Luffy in Wano, but the author intent was still to show Luffy getting to a level where it was competitive. There is a massive gulf between that level and where Sanji is at right now.

But still, this is definitely an indication of Oda's plans for these three characters in the future. In EoS, the gaps would become narrower for sure, and out they all might end up roughly the same tier.

I've always said that this isn't meant to be interpreted as as literal powerscaling statement. What I've said in the spoiler thread:
Anyway, my take on this has been a constant - Roger/Rayleigh/Gaban are close in power, in same tier but separated by a sub tier. Don't think this chapter changed much other than reinforcing it, I don't consider this an absolute powerscaling statement but rather an indication that they are close in power.
In their primes:
Gold Roger - peak top tier
Silvers Rayleigh - high top tier
Scopper Gaban - mid top tier

Roger extreme diff Rayleigh, Rayleigh extreme diff Gaban, Roger high diff Gaban. It's like 100, 95, 90
But it would be disingenuous to pretend that this has zero implication on powerscaling as well.
Oden was not as strong as Roger or prime WB. But he still was a top tier, someone Whitebeard called his "brother", someone Kaido acknowledged.
There was not a big gap between Roger and Oden, Oden pushes him to high diff at least.

What is stated in the chapter is definitely portrayal, and establishment of old gen monster trio.
と is just a particle and it is referred to the words before it so in this case "Rayleigh" it connects Gaban to Rayleigh as 並び which means something like "same rank with Rayleigh". BLUD, instead of searching on LLMs (chatgpt and co.) like a bot try to study and get how particles in japanese works
You didn't add anything of substances.
並び means alongside
と means with

と並び = Alongside with / Together with

Scopper the Left handman alongside with The Vice Captain Rayleigh.

Ready for the accusations of sour grapes, but this chapter really just confirmed all the issues I have with Gaban coming back as a wise mentor character. Just been done before.

We got the generic “oh, this guy is just like Roger” flashback that we’ve already seen a billion times. And Oda’s saying Gaban is old gen Sanji with all the subtlety of a brick, and with the worst part of Sanji’s personality. We didn’t need Ray introduced getting lost and someone saying “LOOK IT’S OLD ZORO”.

And then we have the dumb test. We are long past the stage of anyone thinking that Luffy needs “tested”. Ray didn’t feel he even needed to test Luffy and that was years ago when luffy was a comparative weakling. The resemblemce to Roger was enough, not his strength. Now Gaban already knows that Luffy defeated Kaido and he’s still doing it? How strong does he think Loki is lol?

And in general, if you have characters called Gold, Silver and Copper (Bronze), I really don’t think it makes much sense to spend like fifteen years going into Gold and Silver in detail, then finally go ”but the number three guy, I’ve spent next to no time on, he’s cool as well.” There’s a reason why the OP fights always go Sanji first, then Zoro, then finally Luffy. It makes more dramatic sense.

Gaban has a cool design, though, Oda does usually do well with his cool old men. The scar is a bit marked with flame looking, but no real link to the black ship and the whirlpool so far. And I did find the trolling of him liking when other people get into trouble funny.
Garp the Clown.
Bruh let it go.

You are acting like we have anything to lose. Infact, we gained... Equal footing with Luffy.

Only fandom which actually lost is Luffy fandom lmao

So sanji bros and Zoro bros should unite to duck on that nika fandom who thought Luffy by EoS can neg diff whole crew lmao
Pirate King = Standing above all pirates
Dark King = The King of Underworld ( Mei'Ou )
Mountain Eater = beating trees on a mountain
Here's an interesting question not related to the agenda.

Is Gaban The Lurking Legend too?

People thought it was Imu but Imu while lurking can't be a legend since he's supposed to not be known/kills those who know of him.

And while Oda said that a year ago. He took SEVERAL unexpected breaks, for OPLA and other stuff, which puts the chapters not on schedule. Theses chapters may have fell around that statement if he'd not took extra breaks.
Rocks and his crew are the lurking legend.

The lurking legend quote was from years ago, not last year, and it was about a legendary enemy related to Whitebeard.

Then we started learning about the Rocks Pirates soon after.

Gaban’s not an enemy and he’s related to Roger, not Whitebeard.
Ready for the accusations of sour grapes, but this chapter really just confirmed all the issues I have with Gaban coming back as a wise mentor character. Just been done before.

We got the generic “oh, this guy is just like Roger” flashback that we’ve already seen a billion times. And Oda’s saying Gaban is old gen Sanji with all the subtlety of a brick, and with the worst part of Sanji’s personality. We didn’t need Ray introduced getting lost and someone saying “LOOK IT’S OLD ZORO”.

And then we have the dumb test. We are long past the stage of anyone thinking that Luffy needs “tested”. Ray didn’t feel he even needed to test Luffy and that was years ago when luffy was a comparative weakling. The resemblemce to Roger was enough, not his strength. Now Gaban already knows that Luffy defeated Kaido and he’s still doing it? How strong does he think Loki is lol?

And in general, if you have characters called Gold, Silver and Copper (Bronze), I really don’t think it makes much sense to spend like fifteen years going into Gold and Silver in detail, then finally go ”but the number three guy, I’ve spent next to no time on, he’s cool as well.” There’s a reason why the OP fights always go Sanji first, then Zoro, then finally Luffy. It makes more dramatic sense.

Gaban has a cool design, though, Oda does usually do well with his cool old men. The scar is a bit marked with flame looking, but no real link to the black ship and the whirlpool so far. And I did find the trolling of him liking when other people get into trouble funny.
Except he’s not testing Luffy on his strength but as his flashback in this chapter highlighted he called out Roger for being reckless just as Luffy is doing? He’s going to teach him that being more powerful doesn’t always mean who’s will be able to handle the fall out!

also you do need to hold that accusation as you were one of the biggest dismisses of Scopper being relevant purely because your headcanon didn’t want Sanji to be relevant
loki was also a prince, so before harald was killed no one could touch him due to status, as the giants said

then harald died, and we don't know if loki dipped to the seas after that

but a definite L for the marines coz on the seas only shanks could stop him
This is a funny chapter, now i will discuss for real, this chapter shows a lot of things :

Firstly, Gaban is said to be the left-handman of Roger, a legendary figure, and mountain eater a title he got from cutting fucking trees :
In comparison, Rayleigh is introduced as Roger's right-hand man, partner, and vice-captain, bearing the title of "Dark King," for his strength following Roger's title as the "Pirate King."

To repeat their titles:
Pirate King = Standing above all pirates
Dark King = The King of Underworld ( Mei'Ou )
Mountain Eater = beating trees on a mountain

> Even the Straw Hats knew about Rayleigh in the same way they knew about Roger, yet they don't recognize Scopper :

> Scopper tried to attack a fodder like Road yet he dodged his attack :

> His presence is insignificant to Luffy and Zoro. Keep in mind that when Luffy was at Egghead, he was seen shivering from Kizaru's presence and even said someone strong was coming—something that wasn't observed with Old Gaban which makes his threat below Admiral level :

> The same Kizaru couldn't get past Old Rayleigh and complained about how the latter demanded more than this, which made him look bad. He became enraged afterward and vented his frustration on fodders.
That alone places Old Rayleigh on Admiral level as a threat, unlike Old Gaban :

> Gaban was so scared of Kaido that he didn't muster the courage to visit Wano because of his presence since years ago, the same Kaido Prime Oden was about to beat, same oden was said to be Whitebeard's commander :

> His best hype in Elbaf is holding his own against fodder giants, not Dorry or Broggy. Hell, Gaban allied with giants, yet they couldn't stop Loki, who is stated to have been caught by Shanks with no mention of Shanks having difficulty while doing so :

> Imagine having an army of giants and help from Old Rayleigh, who could completely stop Kizaru. His CoC was hyped to be on Shanks's level, and he had a Prime Emperor sweating and retreating in his presence—though it was known that the said emperor would win, but with a heavy cost yet you want me to believe he would fail to stop Loki with help, the same person who Shanks packed :

So in comparison :
> Old Rayleigh greatly surpasses Old Gaban in fame, strength, threat, portrayal, and even titles.
( mind you Oden didn't even mention his name in his diary unlike Rayleigh and Roger )

Pirate King = Standing above all pirates
Dark King = The King of Underworld ( Mei'Ou )
Mountain Eater = beating trees on a mountain

- As a bonus, These giants named FODDER like Usopp " God Usopp ", the Same losers who fell for "Yeah we got your chiefs in our prison come work for us for 100 years and we'll free them" with 0 proof :

- This made me think about that lie of Moria had an equal clash against Kaido :

• There's no such a thing like " rivaling Rayleigh " in the raws.

その男は副船長シルバーズ・レイリーと並び、海賊王の左腕と呼ばれた "
"That man was called the Pirate King's left hand."
"He was known as the left-hand man of the Pirate King, alongside Vice Captain Silvers Rayleigh."

その男は (sono otoko wa) = "That man"

副船長 (fukusenchō) = "Vice Captain."

シルバーズ・レイリー (Shirubāzu Reirī) = "Silvers Rayleigh"

と並び (to narabi) = "Alongside" or "together with."

海賊王 (kaizoku-ō) = "Pirate King."

の左腕 (no hidariude) = "Left arm"

と呼ばれた (to yobareta) = "Was called" or "was known as."

the key word is と並び which means alongside / together with :
と = with

並び = Together / Alongside

• Also, about the kanji that's used to describe Scopper's relationship with Rayleigh's and Roger's was " 肩を並べる ".
Sandman said that it doesn't mean " Equal to " and he showed examples of Arlong and Jimbei, Oden with Rogerbeard.

Sandman a native japanese who corrected Viz mistranslations.

Anyway, this just shows how much of a fodder EoS Sanji would become when his parallel in old age and with the help of giants, he failed to stop Loki, who Shanks defeated.
And mind you, EoS Zoro is the WSS ever, and Luffy is going to be the Liberator Nika.
Even Old Rayleigh wouldn't be put like this in Elbaf, whose threat even makes admirals waver.

@Garp the Fist give me your thoughts.